It Was An Infectious Garbage Scowl.

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I stood just outside the door trying to control my breathing. I don't know which would be worse, if they were lying... or if it was the truth.

We'd have to fight against Fury. And who ever was following him. If he was recruiting people like Kai, Angel, and Eva... this was not going to go well.

I needed Bucky back. I couldn't think of anything without him taking up my thoughts. I need him to be okay. I need him home.

I went to go find Sam and Steve. Turns out they were sitting in the living room. Sam had his head in his hands again, Steve was on his left. Steve lifted his head up and nodded, acknowledging me and answering my silent question of if I should approach. I sat on Sam's right, wrapping my arm around him.

"I feel like an idiot." Sam groaned.

"Don't have to explain to me, Sammy." I squeezed his shoulder and leaned against him.

Sam sighed. "So have you two really talked yet?" He looked up at me and then to Steve.

"Erm. Sure. Yeah. We talked." I answered, unconvincingly.

Steve chuckled at my attempt. "No, but there's nothing to talk about until Bucky's back. I think Talia agrees." I didn't reply, I didn't know what to say. What the hell do you say in this situation?

I got lucky, FRIDAY saved me from having to figure it out. "Miss Aimilios, Captain Wilson, Mr. Rogers. Your presence is being requested back in the training room."

I stood up and waited for Sam and Steve. Steve stood and for a moment I wondered if Sam was going to be able to pull himself together enough to come with us. But he managed. I lead the way back to the training room.

Wanda stood in front of Kai, I saw her red magic floating around as he sat with his crossed and his eyes closed.

The magic slowly disappeared and Wanda stepped back. She turned to me. "They're telling the truth."

"How much of it?" Sam spoke. I was surprised to hear him say anything but I guess he had enough.

"All of it." Wanda turned to him. "If you come here, I can show you."

Sam hesitated and turned to me. I nodded. "It's Wanda. We can trust her." He took a deep breath and stepped towards her.

Wanda grabbed his hand and looked at me. "You too?"

"Yes." I stepped forward, taking her other hand. "What do I do?"

"Just breathe." Wanda explained. "Close your eyes, I've never done this before. I'm going to try to make you see what I see."

I kept my breaths slow and steady and I began to see flashes of red around people I didn't recognize. Police officers. It looked like I was being arrested? No, this was Kai. And then suddenly I was alone in a room, hands cuffed. Or Kai was. The door opened and in came Fury. He sat in front of me, Kai. I couldn't make out all the words.

"Records cleaned" ... "Need you" ... "Putting together a team" ... "Quick and easy" ...

More flashes, I saw Eva and Angel, they looked nervous. Scared. Angel smiled at me. She was speaking but I couldn't hear it.

And then it flashed to the tower. I saw myself, standing with the team. When we first met the three of them. I looked at myself and felt... odd. The memory me smiled at Kai and then I felt butterflies. It felt... nice.

It flashed again. I was on the roof with Eva and Angel. Sitting down in a circle.

"I don't feel right lying." Eva spoke, but it sounded muffled. Angel said something in agreement.

"We should tell them." I felt myself speak, felt Kai speak.

"Cant" ... "Never forgive us" ...

Kai spoke again. "Then get rid of the phone."

Eva nodded. "I don't" ... "do this anymore."

"I really" ... "Sam. I can't" ... "him." Angel spoke again.

More flashes. On the roof again. Angel was crying. "We can't" ... "them. They" ... "help us" ... "Maria."

"They'd still help." Kai spoke. I felt scared, angry. Worried.

... "them after." ... "whole truth."

"Deal." Kai agreed. Angel nodded.

Another flash to outside the hydra base. Kai running, looking down to see Maria in his arms. "Can"... "hear me?" ... "there."

Just as he was about to step into the ship, Maria jumped out of his arms and started swinging. He yelled, I felt fear. Deep, soul consuming fear. Angel and Sam must've heard the yelling as Rhodey and T'Challa began to fight against Maria. She didn't speak, everyone yelling at her things I could understand. Sam and Angel landed close by, Angel's arms out to her. "It's me, Maria." She repeated as she and Sam approached Maria.

Maria reacted by grabbing Sam by the head and slamming him against the jet.

"Talia? Can" ... "me?" ... "you okay?" Kai spoke, pressing his hand against his ear. The comms were down. He turned to the rest of the group. "They're not" ... "I'm" ... "going after" ... and he took off, ignoring the yells after him.

I felt myself pulled away and I gasped, falling. I could see flashes of the red of Wanda's magic slowly fade out of my sight. "Holy shit... that was intense." I knelt on the ground, trying to breathe.

"That's what it's like for you?" Sam was beside me, gasping.

"It's a bit clearer for me... I'm sorry. I've never attempted that before. I just thought it may be easier for you to see it." Wanda knelt beside us. "Are you two okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think we're good." I nodded. Wanda stood and held hands out to help Sam and I up.

Clint walked up. "So that was weird."

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