Chapter 1

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Cinder and Kai walked out of the room to join the others. She noticed Kai's eyes looking around questioningly.

"Okay, first of all, how about we introduce ourselves," Cinder said, "This is Cress, Thorne, Iko, and Wolf."

"Let's get down to business," Wolf said. Cinder was caught off guard at his sudden urge to speak. Right, she thought, Scarlet. "Have any of you-that you can remember- been on or to Luna?" At that everyone shook their heads-except Cress.

"I have. I'm not saying that I remember it to the very last detail, but I have a pretty good memory of it." she said shyly.

"That should be good enough." Wolf replied, "Cinder, you're saying you have no memory of living in the palace?" She shook her head.

"No recollection."


"Not even a single thing you remember?"

"Wolf, I 'lived' in the palace for at the most, three years. Then I was brought to Earth, unconscious. They wiped my memory of even ever being on Luna. So, no, I don't remember anything." Cinder explained. Stars, she thought, didn't I go through this already?

"You remember being on Luna?" Kai asked Wolf, fearfully.

"Well, yes. When they did the procedure, they didn't wipe our memories." He responded.

"Wouldn't it have just been easier to do that, though? I mean if they're going to turn you into beasts-no offense-, wouldn't it be easier to just have no emotional attachments at all?" Thorne asked.

"I guess so. Maybe they had a reason."

"I apologize for inturrupting, but it seems, Captain, that you have received a comm." Darla said. What? Cinder thought, How?

"From who?" Thorne asked.

"The ID is unrecognizable, Captain. Answer?" She replied. Cinder looked around at everyone's startled faces. She then looked at Kai who was looking back at her, with worry painted all over his face. A mirror image of her.

"Answer." Cinder decided. They walked over to the net-screen and waited.


They were shocked to see the face of a man Cinder recognized all to well.


A/N: How was that chapter? Cliffhanger! Ahh! I should be updating everyday, if not more.
As always, reviews!
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Over and Out!,
Paradise Books

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