Chapter 6

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Kai wrapped an arm around Cinder and for once, the tenseness in her body floated away. She leaned into him, savoring the moment and he pressed a soft kiss onto her forehead. All of her thoughts, worries, and anxiety that built up since she escaped the New Beijing jail were gone.
"Cinder," he broke the silence, "can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure." she responded.
"How did Garan know you were Princess Selene?"
"Well he didn't just find out."
"What do you mean?"
"The day he was taken away from the plague, he told Adri to 'Take care of the girl.' I didn't get it at first, but I've connected the dots that he knew long before then who I was."
"So I might have helped the others bring you to Earth?"
"I think."
Cinder returned her gaze to the stars and saw a strange, unusual bright light in the darkness. She couldn't tell why it was, but she just stated at it, curiously. She heard Kai say something, but it was muffled. Cinder noticed the bright light getting closer, larger. She felt Kai give her a small shake, to try and break her gaze. "Cinder, are you alright?" He asked. She simply lifted her arm and pointed her finger at the ball of light in the sky.
"What is that?"he asked
"I don't know." She responded. It could be anything, a star, an asteroid, a satellite, a ship. They stood up and walked over to the windows to get a better look at it.
"It can't be a star," she said
"And it can't be a satellite, it wouldn't be able to move at that pace." he replied.
The ball of light kept getting closer and closer. It was clear what it was now, an asteroid.

Heading right in the path of the Rampion.

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