Chapter 41

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Levana made her way down several flights of stairs, clutching a vial in her hand. She was heading for the basement, where the labs were located.

"Your Majesty." A guard stood watch in front of a pair of double doors bowed.

"Sir," Levana replied graciously, "I would like to see Dr. Vandero, please."

The guard shuffled out of the Queen's way before holding one door open for her.

"Thank you." She mumbled, hiding the vial in her hand.

After she turned the corner, Levana quickened her pace to a slow jog. She didn't want to keep the doctor waiting. Whatever he was going to do with her blood sample must have been urgent.

When Levana reached Dr. Vandero's office, he was waiting impatiently outside his door, tapping his foot on the tile flooring.

"There you are," he said, "Do you have the sample?"

"Y-yes," Levana stammered, "B-but I don't know if--"

"Come, come, I've been waiting far too long." Dr. Vandero ushered her in the office.

"Oh please, you haven't been waiting that long. Hardly even twelve minutes."

"That's twelve minutes too many."

Levana groaned. She took a seat next to the doctor and handed the vial of her blood to him. He examined it, grunting and mumbling nonsense ever-so-often.

An uncomfortable silence passed between both of them before he decided to speak up.

"So, close call back in Estella, eh?"

Levana rolled her eyes and groaned, again. Of course, she thought, the first thing to come out of his mouth had to be about that.

"You have to be quicker than that, she keeps getting away--you're underestimating her and her group."

"Lihn Cinder is not, by any means, being underestimated." Levana spat.

"Well you are. The people," Dr. Vandero pointed to the painting of Luna, "the people believe in her. They believe she is on their side."

"Their side? What side exactly is that?"

Dr. Vandero poured the blood into a small cup and placed it underneath a microscope. "'That side' is the side that is against you."

Levana looked at the doctor and rage flushed over her. How could this Neanderthal of a person be telling the Queen her people are against her?

"That... That is not true." She spat. "My people love me, they always have. How could they not?"

The doctor took a long breath before continuing. "Do they need a reason to not? Look, this girl, the people think she can help them get rid of you. I've seen it. It's all over the poorer sectors, Artemisia, too."

Levana sat gaping at the doctor. She was at a loss of words. Appalled would be a term to describe her feelings. Not at her people, but at him. The nerve he must have to say all this to his Queen was disgusting.

"Lihn Cinder will be found, tried, and executed. That is her future--death. I can promise you that, Sir. The people's hope will be gone faster than it came."

The doctor sighed before picking the cup up and placing it under a bright lamp. He continued to inspect it. "Oh I believe you, I believe you. Just don't underestimate her is all I'm saying."

Another uncomfortable silence passed, Levana stared at the blood the entire time. She couldn't even imagine that that poor excuse of a girl shared it. What she could imagine, though, was it of Lihn Cinder's soaking her own shirt.

"The food rations," The Doctor started again, "what for?"

"Luna has entered a stage of resource deprivation, doctor. We need to save the food and energy for after the war is over. For when we can continue trade with Earth."

Dr. Vandero moved the cup from the light and turned to the Queen, straightening his glasses. Clearing his throat, he met her eyes. "The blood is fine. I will have my entire team working for a cure."

"Thank y--"

"Your Majesty," a guard burst through the doors, panting. "I'm sorry to disrupt you, but we have a new suspect for the kidnapping of her highness."

A smile tugged at Levana's lips. "I'll be right there." she turned to Dr. Vandero. "I'll speak with you soon." and left.

Levana followed the guard to the interrogation room. In there sat a rather small statured man with messy brown hair.

"Your Majesty, Wen Arturo." the guard said, pointing to the man.

Wen looked hopelessly frightened, he was shaking uncontrollably.

Levana would too, if she'd been framed for a crime she didn't commit.

She would too if she'd be sent to court for a crime she didn't commit.

She would too if she'd be sent to her death for a crime she didn't commit.

But the thing was, she did do it.

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