Chapter 25

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Cinder was surrounded by a ring of fire. She couldn't escape. Slowly, the circle started to close in on her. She could feel the heat rise to unbearable measures. Suddenly, the sky above her turned black, filled with dark, thick smoke.

Cinder called out for help but no one heard her. The flames licked her body and she fell to the floor in agony.

She heard sick laughter coming from behind her. Cinder got up and turned to the sound. Just outside the burning inferno was Levana. She had a sweet, menacing smile plastered on her lips. She was holding a can of lighter fluid, and before Cinder could do anything, she threw it at her. As soon as the fluid touched her body, the flames jumped.

She was on fire, her heart was racing, it became hard to breathe. Cinder felt her body turning into a torch.

Selene. A soft voice called from the haze. Selene. It continued whispering the name Cinder registered as hers. She looked desperately around for the voice. It wasn't Levana with her mocking tone. The voice was sweet and calming, like a mother's.

Selene, my baby. It whispered. Suddenly, the fire around her went out. She was no longer burning. She looked up and noticed it was raining, light, cold droplets of water.

She heard the voice again. I love you, Selene. There is nothing she can do to you now.

Cinder looked all around for the voice. A woman appeared in front of her, her arms outstretched. She had dark, flowing hair and brown eyes. Come, Selene. She said. Cinder walked over to the woman.

It's alright, you're safe. I know you're scared, darling. I'm with you now, and I always will be.

Cinder couldn't find her voice. She couldn't ask who she was.

My darling Selene, don't fret. Mother's here.

It was Channary. Cinder let out a startled gasp and took a step back. Selene, I won't hurt you. She said, stepping towards her. She wore a long white dress that billowed around her. Her eyes were soft and careful.

Cinder looked down at herself, she was covered in burn marks and scars. Her mother walked over to her and tilted Cinder's head up.

She smiled. Let me help you, Darling. She put her soft, warm hand on Cinder's arm. She expected to feel pain, but instead, the marks and scars started to fade.

She looked up at her mother. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

Hush, child. She said, putting a delicate finger to Cinder's lips. No need to speak.

Cinder felt something warm trickle down her cheek. She brought her hand up and wiped it away. Then, more and more fell. She was crying.

Her mother gathered Cinder in her arms and rocked her. It's alright, Darling. She kissed the top of her head and wiped a few tears off of her face before rocking her again.

The feeling of tears on her cheeks was new to Cinder. The warmth they brought as they poured out of her eyes felt good. All of her fears, stress, and hurt spilled through them.

Her mother continued to cradle and soothe her crying child. Don't fret, my Selene. Everything's alright. She's gone, she can't hurt you anymore. I'll protect you.

Cinder savored the safety and comfort her mother brought her as she calmed her. She never had motherly love before. Cinder found a voice deep inside her.

Please don't go. She pleaded.

Don't worry, Selene, I won't. Ever.

I can't do this anymore.

You don't have to.

Cinder pondered the thought of never leaving her mother's arms. Never going a day without her soothing voice. The feeling of love was foreign to her, but she needed it. With everything she had been through her entire life, a little love would heal all her wounds.

It was foolish. Cinder knew it wasn't real. Her mother was Channary, the despised, ruthless queen of Luna. She was dead. But somehow Cinder didn't care. Maybe her mother wasn't that bad.

This isn't real. She said.

No, it's not. But I still love you, no matter what. No matter what anyone says, I love you, Selene. Forever.

Cinder was silent for a moment. Wishing that the moment had been real, that she could be with her mother. The mother that loved her.

Cinder said something she never thought she would.

I love you too, mother. I love you too.

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