Chapter 4

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Caution Spoilers! Takes place after Fairest.

Winter was escorted back to her chambers by her guard in silence. She couldn't believe what she had heard. Selene couldn't be alive, could she?
If she was, people would surely know. Unless, the rumors are true; that Levana-attempted- to kill Selene. Of course Winter would have hid too, if her power crazy aunt tried to kill her. But there was so much evidence, evidence of her death. She found it hard to believe that Selene was in fact, alive, and living under a new identity, Cinder. But she knew she had to do what Jacin told her to do, tell Fire that Cinder and her friends were going to save her.
"Your highness, you know you shouldn't have left without a guard. It's very dangerous, especially with a fugitive on the loose. She could be targeting the royal Lunar family." Winter's personal guard, Aleks, said. Targeting the Royal Lunar family?, she thought, What fugitive?
"What do you mean, Sir Aleks?" She asked.
"The Lunar-cyborg fugitive, Lihn Cinder. It is rumored that she may be planning to assassinate the royal family." You mean Princess Selene, she thought.
"You can't be sure of that."
"Yes, your highness, you are right. But we can't take any chances."
Five minutes passed, which felt like hours, until they reached the royal quarters. "We're getting close." she said.
"How do you know?" Aleks asked.
"The blood that drips down the walls intensifies." With that, nothing. Aleks didn't say another word until they reached her door.
"Good night, your highness." he said.
"Good night, Aleks." she replied and entered her chambers. "But I'm not tired." Winter muttered as she walked over to her clock, 3000 it read. She sighed, knowing she would have to sleep sometime soon if she wanted to stay awake the rest of the day.
Winter climbed into her bed and fell asleep, without a sound.



Scarlet dreamed a wonderful dream. She was back with Wolf. His arms wrapped tightly around her, whispering three simple words: I love you. He told her everything was going to be alright. Cinder was there, so was Thorne. Arguing as usual, it was funny how things that used to annoy her, are now comforting. Levana was dead, and everyone was at peace. But the fantasy soon ended when she was awoken by a tall figure entering the room and switching the lights on. It was Winter, coming to check on Scarlet probably.
"Hello, Fire." she said. Fire, her nickname for her apparently. But she didn't answer, she had nothing to say to her. "I have to tell you something." she continued, "It's about Lihn Cinder and her friends." Scarlet automatically perked up. Is something wrong? She thought.
"What is it?" She asked.
"Sir Jacin Clay, I'm not sure you know of him but he joined your friends after you were kidnapped an-"
"Him. What does he want?" Scarlet never knew his name until now, but she was glad he was now in custody.
"He told me to tell you that they are coming for you." Winter said. What? Scarlet knew that was a horrendous Idea, they won't be able to pull it off. But it was shoved into a far corner of her mind, because they were going to get her back. She was going to see Wolf again.
"And I want to help." Winter said.

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