Chapter 34

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A/N: Hey! So I was really confused with this chapter, believe it or not. I started with Cinder's POV, then Winter's, then Levana's. So finally, I thought I needed to do a Scarlet POV since I felt like she would be an important addition to the whole shazam. But anyway, enjoy chapter 34!


Scarlet glanced nervously at the menagerie doors, awaiting Winter's arrival. It was strange, Scarlet had actually anticipated her little visits every so often--It kept her from losing her mind.

The wolf was sleeping, completely unaware of Winter's tardiness. Strange, Scarlet thought, she's usually here by now. She checked the small digital numbers displayed on clock on the wall behind her.

She hadn't seen Winter since the guard, Jacin, had escorted her out. Scarlet felt a rising panic, that guard shouldn't have been out of his cell. He wasn't even a guard anymore, he was a prisoner.

Scarlet knew what he had done to her--done to her friends. He was not to be trusted. But, Winter had always talked about him as the most caring, sweet, and wonderful person on Luna. Her's and Scarlet's descriptions didn't seem to match.

What if Jacin had done something with her? What if he tricked her into trusting him?

"No," Scarlet said, shaking her head. "No, she's fine."

Just because she didn't visit you doesn't mean she's in danger. She thought.

Scarlet raked a hand through the mess of red curls, instantly regretting it. Her hand got stuck in a particularly tough knot. With a slight yank, it was free--but not without the searing pain that surged through her scalp.

Scarlet sighed, resting her chin on her hand. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her of the last time she'd eaten. No less than 72 hours ago. She could have eaten only a couple hours ago, if Jacin hadn't pulled Winter out before she gave her something to eat.

Scarlet thought back to her life in France. Back to when she never went hungry, when her Grandmeré was still alive. Back when she still had Wolf.

His name rung in her ears. Before she could stop herself, tears began streaming down her cheeks. She sobbed into her torn, mangled red sweatshirt. Scarlet cried for her Grandmeré, wishing she was with her. She cried for Wolf, wishing he could hold her in the safety of his arms. Where she couldn't be hurt anymore. By anyone.

The menagerie door swung open, revealing a thaumaturge clutching a port screen. He looked stern and polished, like everyone else in the palace. He marched over to Scarlet's cage and set the port screen down.

Her eyes wandered to the device that lay in front of her. Scarlet gasped and looked up to the man who gave her a cold glare. Winter has been kidnapped.

"The Princess, as you can see, was reported missing. A case of kidnapping." The thaumaturge said, folding his arms behind him.

"You were last seen with her. We will need you for questioning."

No. No. She couldn't go back there--she wouldn't go back there.

"No, please! I--I can't!" Scarlet yelled as the thaumaturge grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the cage. She struggled to break free, but the man wouldn't budge. More tears were streaming down her cheeks.

A loud howl came from the wolf's cage. He was up and alert. The man cast a glance to the animal and silenced it with a kick at the cage and a yank of it's chain.

"Shut up!" He yelled, "Or I'll silence you for good!"

She ached, her legs, arms, whole body ached. Scarlet hadn't stood since she came to the menagerie. She fell to the floor.

Before she could get back up, the man had already pulled her up, pushing her out the door.

"Stay put!" He yelled to Ryu.

Scarlet cast one last glance back at the wolf, who sat watching the thaumaturge push her out.

Just following orders.

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