Chapter 21

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After Cinder left, Logan took the crew to see their rooms. Thorne was especially glad at this because he was exhausted. All he wanted was to lay on a bed--not a chair, couch, or recliner-- and sleep. He didn't understand why everyone was so questioning about the place. There were people, food, clothes, doctors, rooms. It seemed legit in his mind, but of course, nobody else thinks like Carswell Thorne.

"How can we be sure no one will find us here?" Wolf asked. They were halfway to the rooms and he had to ask this. Everyone stopped walking and Thorne--reluctantly-- did the same. He rolled his eyes so far back that he swore he saw his own brain, though no one could see it behind his blindfold.

"For 16 years, no one has raised any suspicion. No one has ever found us, or come any where near us. The odds of us getting caught now are one in 7.5 quintillion." Logan replied. He couldn't just say a simple yes or no? Thorne thought.

"Yes, yes. Now can we please keep going?" He urged. Dr. Tanner nodded and they continued walking.

No more than two minutes passed before they reached the rooms.

"Each of you will get your own," Logan said, "There is one bathroom and one bed per room."

They all branched off into their separate rooms. But before Throne could enter his, Logan stopped him.

"My apologies, Carswell, but there is some business we have to attend to first." He said.

Spades, aces, stars, and all the mighty things in the universe, why?

Thorne tried to keep a straight face as he hung his head back, shut his eyes, and sighed. "Yeah, whatever. Make it quick." It pained him to say it.

Before turning the corner with Logan, Thorne glanced back at his room--hopefully it was his room, he didn't know-- where the bed he wanted so badly to sleep on was. Only he realized he hadn't glanced back, he had stood there staring at it for so long, Logan was gone.

Thorne cursed, where had he gone? Surely this place couldn't be too hard to navigate through. He was wrong, so very wrong. Being blind while searching for a man in an underground facilitation was difficult.

Thorne's eyesight has gotten better, thanks to Cress. He's able to just make out blotches of color. He saw a grey and brown blotch coming towards him.

"Carswell! Thank the stars, I thought I'd lost you." A voice said, Logan?

"I am blind, sir." Thorne stated, inferring that he didn't know who was talking to him.

"It's Logan. Anyway, why don't we take the chute."

"The chute?" He asked. They kept walking, Logan helping him. It was different without Cress around, he didn't know how much he'd gotten used to being with her all the time.

"It's like an elevator for the underground."

"So you're saying we could have used the chute to get to the rooms?" Thorne was pissed.

"Well I was giving a tour, if you'd have listened." A tour? He didn't even remember Logan talking.

"So where are we going exactly?" Thorne asked after the got into the chute.

"To the medical wing. In the crash you lost your eyedrops, correct?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well I have some here, perhaps better than the ones you had before."

Thorne would be able to see again, even faster than before. He was happy that he could, for once, see whom he was talking to. The blindfold was also making his hair look funny, as Cinder said, which wasn't good.

Thorne heard the doors to the chute open and once Logan grabbed a hold of his wrist, he walked out. All he could see was white. White walls, floors, it also smelled like disinfectant. The medical wing wasn't as loud as Thorne expected it to be--it wasn't loud at all. Just the faint sounds of beeping coming from what he assumed was patient's rooms.

"Over here." Logan said. Thorne followed the grey and brown blotch who was Logan Tanner. It was pretty easy given everything else he saw was white.

The doctor sat him down on a red chair while he scavenged through the cabinets.

"Ah! Here it is!" He called. "Open your eyes and tilt your head back."

Thorne untied his blindfold and did what the doctor said. A few seconds later he felt two drops in his left eye, and two on his right. It burned for a few moments but died off. He blinked a couple times to let the drops set.

"Two in each eye, twice a day." Logan said handing him a small bottle, "And after, say, five to seven days, your eyes should be good as new!"

"Thanks." Thorne replied getting up from his seat. "Can I sleep now?" The question he's been dying to ask since he got to the Tunnels.

"Yes, Carswell, now you can sleep." He laughed.

They exited the medical wing and got back onto the chute which flew up, and in a matter of seconds, they were back to where they started. Thorne followed Logan to the corridor with their rooms, clutching the bottle in his hands.

"Were here." Logan said, opening his door. Throne walked in as casually as possible, pushing down the rising excitement and exhilaration of finally being able to rest.

But once the door shut, Thorne collapsed on the warm bed and instantly fell asleep.


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Lunar_Squid, thanks for the idea! As always, if there is anything you want from the story in future chapters, feel free to comment. I would love to hear what you guys have to say!
Over and Out,

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