Chapter 19

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As soon as Wolf stepped out of the hover he felt strange. The people looked like thousands of Cinders; dressed in rags with dirt and grease covering their faces. They were working hard and didn't stop for a moment when the operative, android, hacker, fugitive, and emperor exited the vehicle. Until Cinder stepped out.

One by one, heads turned in her direction as she limped over to the crew. Wolf saw her tense at the realization that everyone, everyone, was looking at her, but she relaxed a moment later.

"Follow me, please." Dr. Tanner said. Wolf turned to look at the workers who returned to their tireless jobs.

When they all caught up to the doctor, he took them down a wet tunnel. "The people out there," he said. "they are members of the rebellion against the Lunar crown."

"What were they doing exactly?" Cress asked in a voice louder than usual. More confident.

"Their jobs. They each have one, some work as mechanics, like you," he pointed to Cinder who was still limping along, favoring her right foot. "other work as blacksmiths, or bakers. Some make clothing or work in the medical field, nursing the injured back to health."

"So it's like some sort of community cut off completely from the world... above ground?" Cinder asked.

"Precisely." the doctor replied. "There are a few people I want you to meet too, Cinder."

She gave him a perplexing look. "Who?"

"Later. First you will need to finish healing. We have excellent medical staff with more experience than me, probably. We have supplies like no other so you should be back to your usual self in no longer than 48 hours."

"Great." Thorne muttered. If looks could kill, he'd be dead with the glare that Cinder shot him. Only he couldn't see it.

"As for the rest of you, there is clothing you can all change into and several rooms for you to stay in."

"Thank the stars." Iko breathed.

"Lihn Cinder?" A small voice called. Wolf turned around and saw a petite looking girl with cropped black hair. "I'm Dr. Luisa Santiago, do you mind coming with me? I'm the head doctor in charge of the east medical wing, that's were you'll be spending your next 48 hours getting your wounds treated and healed."

Cinder looked nervously at Kai and Dr. Tanner who nods. "O--okay." Wolf watches the two walk away, making sure Cinder is alright. She looks back and gives a reassuring smile before turning the corner to another tunnel.

"Will she be safe there?" Kai asked.

"I can assure you, your majes--"

"Just Kai, please."

The doctor smiles and continues. "I can assure you, Kai, that Cinder will be just fine. She's in the hands of the best medical physicians I've ever known."

They resumed their walking and Wolf began thinking of his Alpha. It came naturally these days, thinking of her. He thought back to the rail car when they shared their first kiss. The best moment in his life by far. But it seemed that every moment he spent with Scarlet was one to remember.

Every. Single. One.

Wolf made a silent promise to her:

I will never give up on you, Scarlet.
You are my Alpha, and Alphas never give up on each other, no matter what happens.
You gave me my best days, and I gave you your worst.
But I won't stop fighting.
I won't stop fighting until you are safe, until you are happy.
I won't stop until I have repaid my debts to you.
But most of all, I won't stop fighting because I love you.

I love you to the moon and back.

Fanning the Flames of Rebellion [A Lunar Chronicles Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now