Chapter 55

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Helena sighed as she changed the microscope slide that held a dot of Lunar shell blood to another slide that held another Lunar shell's blood. Ever since her son, Ran, had been taken away from her, she'd had this job. The Queen had given it to them for their generous "donation" of two sons to the Lunar army. But Helena always thought of it as an act of pity. Before her sons were ripped from their home, she and Lucas had worked as carpenters in their shop in downtown Estella. They had proven themselves as highly intelligent for their background. They had a very high education, something highly uncommon in the outer sectors of Luna. She would have been more hesitant to taking a job like this all the way in Artemisia if she wasn't already going to lose her shop due to money problems. But Helena and Lucas would have much rather had preferred a sum of univs, but they accepted what they were given.

Helena looked up from her microscope lens and around the room. Her husband was in the far corner of the room speaking to another scientist--or doctor-- who's name Helena never bothered to learn. He was the head of something, that was the extent of her knowledge of the man. Lucas looked deeply concentrated; with furrowed brows, and lips in a thin line. He momentarily glanced at her and gave a slight nod.

Their signal.

Helena pulled the slide out from under the microscope and gently placed it on the tray beside her. She stood up and made her way out of the Plague Research Centre. As she pushed the door open, in the corner of her eye, Lucas parted ways with the man and slowly began making his way towards Helena. She quickened her pace.

It appeared that the corridor was clear.  She stopped. Moments later, Lucas turned the corner. Helena raised her eyebrows and he approached.

"What is it? Have you found anything?" She whispered, leaning closer.

"Dr. Vandero said he had found a possible cure..." Helena's eyes widened. "But, he is not sure wether or not it is safe to be tested yet. It's still in it's early stages of development. He said it could take months, maybe years, before he comes close to a conclusion."

"But we don't have months, let alone years. Are you sure there is no way of speeding up the process?"

Lucas shook his head. "I honestly don't know."

The silence between them was deafening and it stretched for eons.

Finally, Helena spoke up.

"We better get back to work. Don't want anyone to get suspicious."

Lucas nodded. "Ladies first."

As Helena made her way back to her lab, she checked the time.


It was already time to leave and get back to Cinder. Helena would be lying if she said she hadn't been thinking of her all day. It began to be so hard to concentrate on anything knowing she was home alone, so vulnerable. She held her I.D. up to the scanner and clocked out. With Lucas now beside her, they walked to their hover and began their long trek home.


"Are you sure you'll be okay here alone?" Wolf asked as he stood in the doorway of his home. He and Cinder (with the minuscule input from Thorne) had agreed to Cinder staying back at the house and Wolf and Thorne going back to the cottage to tell their friends about what happened.

"Wolf, I'll be fine. Now go." Cinder replied, shooing them out of the doorway.

Wolf sighed as the door flew shut behind them. "Well that happened." Thorne mumbled.

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