Chapter 10

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Cinder woke up in a dark, musty room. She felt pain all over her body. She attempted at sitting up, but crumpled over in agonizing pain every time. She laid there for a while, trying to remember what had happened, where she was.
Cinder heard a soft knock at the door and squinted into the darkness as someone entered. It was dark enough where she couldn't even see her own hands in front of her eyes. She heard the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor and next to her rather uncomfortable bed. A light flickered on on top of a nightstand.
"Well, well, well," Garan said, "Somebody's up. How are you doing?"
She opened her mouth to speak but another wave of brutal pain hit her whenever Cinder tried to make a sound. She cringed.

"Oh, I see. Don't worry, hun, you got it pretty bad in the throat." Got it pretty bad in the throat? She thought. Where am I, what is he talking about?

Cinder have Garan a questioning look and he continued. "Your ship was hit, and you got the worst of it. I'm very surprised you even survived such a catastrophe."
All at once the memories came rushing back her. Cinder dodging asteroids, one after another hitting the ship. And then the one that nearly killed her.
"I'll go inform your friends that you have awoken. I will be right back, okay?" Garan said. Cinder nodded in reply and pushed her cybernetic brain to give her more information.

She closed her eyes and scrunched her face together as more and more pain came to her. Like bullets to the head, daggers to the heart, and needles to her feet. Feet. She snapped her head down, ignoring the pain that followed, to her legs, covered in a blue blanket.
Cinder pulled her arms out from under the covers and tried to pull the blanket up, to reveal her feet.
But she couldn't. Her left had was gone. She began to shake with fear. Where is it?
She pulled the blanket up with her right hand and gasped as she saw her left leg--up to her knee--was gone. Her cyborg parts gone.
Cinder snapped her gaze to the door as she heard another soft knock. Quicker than the speed of light, she yanked the blankets down to cover her legs and shoved her arms underneath it, feeling extreme pain with it.
She twisted her face into a grimace as the last of the pain from the sharp movements faded away. Cinder opened her eyes and saw Kai. He had a series of small cuts on his face, but nothing that noticeable.
And she smiled. Ignoring the pain that came. She opened her mouth and tried to say something, but quickly shut it, remembering why happened the last time she attempted to speak.

Fortunately, he spoke first. "Hey, Cinder. Are you alright?" He shifted in his seat, and with the lighting, she noticed his eyes were red an his cheeks blotchy... like he had been crying.
Cinder started to nod, but stopped midway. If she could, she would be sobbing. She shook her head softly and closed her eyes.
"It's going to be okay, trust me." He said as if still trying to convince himself. "Garan says if all goes well, you'll be back in no time." He reaches his hand out and places in on Cinder's head, brushing stray hairs away from her forehead.
She opens her eyes and they instantly meet his. Kai smiles and places a soft, weightless kiss on her good cheek. Instead of the usual pain she felt when touching or moving any part of her body, she felt warmth and security.



"Your highness, we have received word of an Earthen ship that landed on the outskirts of Estella." said Sir Loinel Gramm, a palace guard.

"An Earthen ship you say..." Levana replied pondering, "and who's ship is it?"

"Well, your highness, we are not sure yet. It is badly damaged... But we could make out the model."


"It is..." he looked at his port screen, "It is the 214 Rampion, class 11.3, your highness. That is the same model as convicts Lihn Cinder and Carswell Thorne's Rampion."

Levana's blood boiled. She was been made a fool because of them. And if there was something you don't do to the queen on Luna, is make her look like a fool.

"Of course." Levana replied recomposing herself. "Well, you know what that means, Sir Gramm."

"Yes I do, your highness," The guard nodded, "It means Lihn Cinder has arrived on Luna."

"Yes, yes it does. Why don't we go give her--and her friends-- a little welcoming gift, hm?" Levana laughed.

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