Chapter 36

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Slightly different POV style...


I was walking to my office, checking the news feed on my port screen. It was filled with articles about the Lunar princess's disappearance.

I heard some commotion coming from the control room as I passed. I pulled out my key and opened the door. There were several screens displaying feed from the cameras spread out across the compound. I walked to one screen where three people stood, their conversation catching my attention.

"Volume up on camera 16." I said, taking a seat in the chair before it.

"You don't understand," one woman's voice said. "He's supposed to be dead."

"But, it makes no sense," a male voice said. "Why would they be taking such care of us if they wanted to sabotage us? It's a waste of recourses."

"I know, I know, I just... I'm getting a really bad feeling about this. It doesn't seem right. It shouldn't be this easy."

"I'm getting information on him. She's right, he's supposed to be dead. It doesn't say he had any children or spouses... It only has his birth date and death date." Another woman's voice said.

"We need to get out of here... quick,
before anything happens."

"Okay," the male said, looking around. "But how?"

I switched the volume off and stood up.

They've found out.

I needed to act fast, quicker than I had planned. I exited the control room and headed for the garage.

When I got there, I immediately jumped into my hover, starting it up. It surged forward, up the winding tunnels and out through the passageway. I raced through the streets of Luna to the palace.

A while later, I stopped at the gates where I parked my hover. Two guards stood watch, eying me carefully.

"Hello," I said, "I would like to see her Majesty."

"I'm sorry, sir, unless you have a pass, we cannot permit you to enter." The guard on the left said.

"You don't recognize me?"

The guards looked at me, analyzing my every feature, until a look of realization washed over their faces.

"S-sir, our apologies. You may enter, but I must warn you, her Majesty is not in the best of conditions."

"Don't worry, I think I have some information that will make her much happier."

I walked through the gates and up the shining concrete steps to the palace doors where I entered. A woman greeted me and guided me towards the queen.

She stopped me at a white door with an elegant engraving of Luna. I entered.

The Queen sat on a blue seat at a window, overlooking her country.

"Your Majesty." I said, taking a seat beside her.

"I'm surprised the guards even let you through." She said, her eyes glued to the view.

"Yes, well, I have I have information. Information I think you'd he glad to hear... concerning the whereabouts of fugitive Lihn Cinder."

Her eyes lit up, she turned her head to me. "Tell me."

"I can bring her-- and her friends-- to you, if you'd like."

"I would appreciate that, sir."

"She's currently in the city of Estella, hiding in an underground resistance."

"Resistance? What do you mean?"

"Don't worry, your Majesty, it's all a fake. I created it, the perfect way to catch the little cyborg. No one would ever want to rebel against such a wondrous monarch like you."

She glared at me. "Is there more? Tell me what else you have to say."

I sighed. "You see, she's already caught on to my plan. She's making plans to escape-- rather quickly. I'm afraid we don't have much time."

The Queen nodded, her chestnut curls bobbing. "Then bring her to me quickly."

"Of course." I got up and walked to the door.

"And make sure you bring her straight to me," she paused,


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