Chapter 11

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Kai left the room as soon as Cinder fell asleep, not wanting to disturb her. Garan had cleaned her up well, most of the cuts were healed, leaving no trace they were even there. The bruises, slowly fading. The large wound on one half of her face was showing signs of improvement, after two days.

Cinder had been out for two days. Kai felt out of place when she wasn't there. Cress had Carswell, Wolf was solitude, and Iko... well... she was there. Every second, Iko was by his side. Though he didn't mind the company, Kai would rather have had it been Cinder. So when she woke up, he was very much relieved.

During those two days, Kai met Dr. Logan Tanner and his daughter, Katalina. Dr. Tanner was one of the people who helped rescue Cinder and bring her to Earth.

Kai was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Cinder was actually the lost Princess Selene. It was certainly a lot to take in. To think that just a couple of weeks ago, he was researching Selene, reading conspiracies of her existence. When all along, it was the sarcastic, stubborn mechanic who wore grease stained rags.

Katalina was very shy. About 13 or 14 years of age. She mostly hid behind her father, watching, listening, and writing. She held a small notebook and pen whenever her father began talking to the crew. Her father would make her tear the papers out after she wrote novels on the conversation. Even though she never did.

"Katalina, dear, you can't keep those." Dr. Tanner would say.

"Why not, papa?" She replied. "It can't hurt to keep a few pages."

"Yes it can. Now get rid of it, please."

"But--but it's amazing! Princess Selene is in my house! This has never happened before."

"Yes it has. Now do it." Logan pointed to the fire in the front of the room.

"Fine." Katarina threw the crumpled up piece of paper containing information on the lost Lunar heir.

Kai sat in his usual place on the red sofa. After Garan left Cinder's room, he took a seat next to him.

"She should be fine," he said, "you don't have anything to worry about."

"I'm not worried." Kai lied through his teeth.

"Don't lie, your Highness. It's no secret."

Oh great. "Is it that obvious?" He whispered. Garan nodded, a smile creeping up on his lips.

"I never knew the emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth would fall in love with my Cinder."

"She sure is a charmer." Kai laughed. "And you can call me Kai."
Garan nodded slowly.

"Anyway, Kai, she should be fully recovered in about two weeks at this rate." he said. Kai was relieved, soon Cinder would be back on her feet again, good as new.

"Great." A few seconds of silence passed. There was the sound of a door shutting, quietly. Garan and Kai stood up, along with Cress, Iko, and Wolf. Carswell was passed out on the recliner.

Sure enough, it was Katalina. She must have been with Cinder.

"Katalina, what are you doing?" Garan asked. She stopped mid-step at the sound of his voice, and paused before walking back over to him.

"Why were you in there?"

"Well... I wanted to see her." She said.

"You know you're not supposed to go in there without a grown-up."

"I know... I just had to." Katalina looked down at her blue and white socks, holding back a smile.

"Garan." Iko piped up, "Look at the latest news feed." He got out his port screen and switched it to news. He studied it for a moment.

"They've found the ship. Levana knows you're all here."

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