Chapter 14

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Cress started to worry after hearing Levana knew they were on Luna-- in Estella. She began doubting they would be able to get away if someone showed up. But she quickly brushed that thought away. Why are you thinking like this? She thought.

Cress heard a soft sound of shuffling just outside the door in the kitchen. She thought it may just be her paranoia creeping up on her knowing people were out looking for them. Cress looked over at Captain, who's expression way blank. He got up, almost mechanically, and walked into the kitchen.

"Captain, what're you doing?" Cress asked. He didn't respond.

"Thorne?" Wolf said standing up. Captain just kept walking until he stood just in front of the door. "Thorne, don't open that door."

Wolf jogged over to him and she followed, along with Kai, Iko, and Dr. Tanner. "What's wrong?" Dr. Tanner asked.

"I don't know." Wolf stated, worried.

Cress stood beside the Captain and gingerly unraveled the bandana tied around his head. He didn't flinch, twitch, or even move. He was frozen as a statue. When she took the blindfold off, his eyes were focused straight forward.

Wolf walked to Captain, standing between him and the door. "Oh my stars," he said, "I think he's being glamoured."

"What?" Cress asked. "By who?"

Kai pointed at the door, his hand shaking. "Out there." he whispered.

"How--how do w--we...?"

"All right. Everyone, follow me, silently." Dr. Tanner said. Cress was reluctant to leave.

"What about Captain?" She whispered.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

They followed Dr. Tanner through several rooms and flight of stairs, until they reached an underground cellar. "You, wait here. I'll handle it."

"No. You can't go alone." Wolf protested. "We don't know who's behind those doors."

"Exactly." With that, Dr. Tanner ran up the stairs, shutting the door.

"What about Cinder?" Iko screeched. "What's going to happen with her?" Her body was quaking with fear.

"Dr. Tanner said he has it all under control." Kai said unsurely.

A moment later the sound of multiple gunshots were heard. There was a loud thud that came from the upstairs--several loud thuds. Wolf ran up to the door and nearly kicked it over. He, Kai, Cress, and Iko all dashed up the stairs. They winded through narrow hallways and small rooms.

They all stopped when Wolf held his hand up. "Stay back, all of you. I don't care what happens, stay here." He said.

Cress saw him leave the small bedroom and enter the connecting kitchen.

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