Chapter 22

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The woman, Dr. Santiago, escorted Cinder to the medical wing in silence. She was petite and had skin like Cinder's but darker. Her hair was worn in a short, curly dark bob. By the looks of her, you'd never guess she's a doctor.

After a few minutes they reached a door with a keypad where Dr. Santiago punched in a code. The door slid open with a soft swoosh and they walked in. There was East Medical Wing plastered in red above their heads on a sign.

"So..." Cinder started, "What are we doing here again?"

"This is where you will be recovering. I will be helping you throughout the surgery and recovery process." Dr. Santiago replied, holding up her ID tag to a scanner, opening another door.

Surgery? Cinder stopped in her tracks with her mouth wide open. "Excuse me, but did you just say surgery?"

"Yes, Lihn-mei."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. I will not be doing that, I'm sorry." Cinder turned and started walking the other way. She felt a hand grab her arm. Cinder snapped her head around as Dr. Santiago yanked her back.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you leave. I have received orders to give you this operation." She spat. Instantly, the sweet doctor turned into a vicious snake.

"What orders?" Cinder asked, yanking her arm out of her grasp.

"It's none of your business. Now if you please," she said, grabbing hold of her wrist, "I have work to do."

Cinder was hesitant to follow her, but she didn't have a choice. Dr. Santiago continued pulling her through the white halls. She let go of Cinder's wrist and opened another door with a key. She considered running back to her room and locking herself in there. But the doors behind them had shut and locked.

"In here." Santiago said, returning to her sweet side. Cinder surveyed the room. There were a few other doctors dressed in light blue scrubs, a long bed laid in between them.

Cinder turned around and looked at the doctor who was now holding a small syringe holding a purple liquid.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing to the syringe.

"Shh." She replied, "Goodnight."

"Wha--" Cinder didn't finish, a needle was shoved into her back. She fell to the floor as everything faded into darkness.

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