Chapter 18

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Winter went to check the net feed after hearing that Levana had left the palace to see an earthen ship that had landed in Estella. Sure enough, it was filled with new articles and images of the ship.

On September 3 (?) at 17:00, an earthen ship crash landed in the small town of Estella on Luna. It is believed to be the one of fugitives Lihn Cinder and Carswell Thorne, along with their accomplices. Further information has not yet been released to the public.

Winter found some pics of the scene. There was an almost unrecognizable ship laying in what looked like an abandoned athletic stadium. If it was Cinder's, that meant she and her friends are on Luna.

Winter hoped they were okay. The vehicle looked severely damaged and there were small puddles of blood clearly evident on the ground. It trailed from a rather large hole in the ship to the opposite corner of the pic. She looked at the image, her head almost pressed upon the screen, searching for any signs of the crew. But there was nothing. Winter's eyes started to hurt and she could feel a headache coming on. She looked at the time in the corner of the screen and realized she's been staring at the single photo for 15 minutes.

Winter sighed and got up from her seat. She left her chambers and stated roaming the halls of the lonely palace. It was times like these when she wished Jacin were with her. The blood coming down the walls didn't drop or stream, they flooded. From the ceiling, the blood fell like rain drops but rather large ones.

Blood pooled at her feet and began to rise. Winter let out a terrified gasp and started running. She wished she had Jacin to comfort her, to tell her she was crazy and that she was just seeing things. She imagined him there with her, holding her, saying everything was alright, there was no blood and that she had nothing to worry about. But Winter realized that he wasn't there, and he may never be there again.

Jacin. The only thing that kept her sane, was slipping right out of her grasp.

She needed to see him. Winter continued running down the ever lonely, ever dark, eerie halls of the Lunar Palace until she reached the holding cells.

It was guarded by three men. "Your highness, what brings you here?" One asked.

"I came here to... to... um... See someone." She replied as cooly as possible.

"Your Highness, you were found here a couple of days ago with a prisoner," another said, "I'm afraid I cannot let you through, orders from the Queen herself."

Winter sighed defeated. "Please?"

"No, your highness."








"Alright fine, but you only get two minutes."

"Thank you." she said practically tripping over her own words.

She half-walked half-ran to his cell, giddy with joy. When she got there, Jacin was wide awake, toying with his chains.

"Jacin!" She whisper-yelled.

"Winter? What--what are you doing here?" He asked in disbelief.

She harrumphed. "I thought you might be a little more pleased to see me."

"Well I am, but--"

"Listen," Winter interrupted, "I only have two minutes to talk to you before I'm forced to leave."

"Okay, what do you need?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"'bout what?"

"Nothing, really. I just missed you.
The place gets really lonely when you're not here."

"I see. Have you gotten into any trouble yet, Trouble?" He grinned.

"No. I don't see why you say that." she laughed.

"You're barefoot." he replies, pointing at her exposed feet.

Winter just laughed, enjoying the precious moments of their being together.

"Jacin I--"

"Your highness," a guard interrupted, "Your time is up."

"Okay," she replied sadly, "Bye, Jacin. I'll see you soon. I promise."

"Okay, Trouble." he laughed.

"And there'll be no guards in my way!" She yelled as she was ushered out of the holding cells. She could hear Jacin's laughter echoing through the reinforcement.

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