Chapter 13

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A/N: I feel so bad!! I'm so sorry for not updating everyday as I said, I've just been really busy with school. I had three concerts in the past four days, so it's been really hectic. Again, I apologize. Thanks!


Thorne woke up from a short nap on the couch in the so called "Logan Tanner's" house. He thought it was nice that he let them stay at his home while Cinder recovered, but there was something about him. He was very mysterious. Logan was very reserved and didn't speak unless spoken to.

Thorne didn't mind, though. It was nice to have a little peace and quiet with all that has happened. But it wasn't the good kind of quiet. Even though he couldn't exactly see, he could feel the tension in the room.

"Good morning, everyone." Garan said, entering the living room in which they had all slept in.

"Morning?" Iko asked, "I can't even tell the difference."

"Yes, well, it may take a little getting used to." Garan laughed.
Thorne imagined the scene outside the house. The nonexistent weather, artificial air, fake plants. The entire planet was unreal. Even the people.

"Did you all sleep well?" Garan asked.

"Yes," Wolf said, "is Cinder alright?"

"I was just about to check on her if you don't mind." He left the living room and entered Cinder's. The erie silence was dropped once again, with the occasional tick of a clock.

"Captain?" Cress asked.

"Yes?" Thorne responded.

"What are we going to do now?"

"I'm not sure. We'll have to wait until Cinder is healthy again until we resume our not-much-of-a-plan plan."

"What if Levana makes a move during this time?"

"Well, in all honesty, there's not much worse she can do at this point."

"Okay." Cress said softly.

Thorne heard a door shut, and assumed it was Garan exiting the room. "Well, everything seems to be going great."

"Is it just me, or does Cinder have an odd way of cheating death?" Thorne said.

Gran laughed, "You may just be right, It does seem that way a lot."

And a large weight was lifted off of everyone's shoulders, knowing that--for now-- everything was going to be just f--

Unlock the door and let us in.

No. This can't be happening. His mind went blank.

Let us in now, Carswell.


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