Chapter 38

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Cinder paced the hallway, trying to grasp everything she'd learned. She couldn't believe it--everything was a lie, a trick. Cinder was questioning everything. Garan must be dead, too, then, She thought, Well at least I wouldn't have to tell him about Peony. And now they are in more danger than they were before. She couldn't believe no one told her being a Revolutionary would be so hard.

"Cinder, we should probably tell the others," Kai said, stepping towards her, "They might want to know about all of this."

"No," Cinder replied, stopping just in front of him. "W-we can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't want them to worry anymore than they already are. With Thorne's blindness and Scarlet's gone-ness."

Kai's warm brown eyes looked into hers, thoughtfully. Stars, she thought, his eyes. Why did they have to be so...

"We should probably let the others know that we need to leave, at least." He said.

"Y-yes," Cinder replied, pulling herself together, "I'll go tell them." She slid down the wall behind her, pulling her knees to her chest.

"What do I tell them?"

A moment of silence passed between them. Kai sat next to Cinder, sighing.

"Just tell them..." he paused, "tell them we found a place to stay." Which was a lie. There was no safe place for them to go. Cinder still wasn't so sure she could trust anyone anymore.

"Okay." she replied, closing her eyes. Anger was rising in her body. She was so angry, frustrated, disappointed, exhausted. She was tired of running away from everything. She hated that she couldn't trust anyone. She hated her life.

Her life had been one big lie. Cinder lived under the impression that she was a lowly cyborg mechanic destined to working her entire life. So many secrets had been hidden from her. It wasn't fair.

If Cinder could cry, she would be. She imagined the feeling of a warm tear trickle down her synthetic cheek.

Oh yeah, she hated that too.

She was fake. Her hair, skin, bones, nerves, veins, eyes. All fake.

Kai must've noticed Cinder's uneasiness because he draped an arm around her, pulling her into an embrace.

"I know it's a lot," he said, entwining his hand in hers, "but you're not alone. I'll always be here for you. Always."

Cinder smiled. Really smiled. "Thank you, Kai."

They got up and Cinder went to get Thorne, Cress, and Wolf. She chose not to wake Iko from her "beauty sleep", and she already knew.

Cinder explained to them that they were leaving--not mentioning the fact that they had nowhere to go. She was glad no one asked where they'd be staying.


Thank the stars no one was wandering the hallways of the Tunnels. They made it to where they'd supposedly gotten of the hover. There was no one around. No one whatsoever.

"Where are all the booths?" Cress asked.

The place was deserted. No booths, no furniture, no machines, no people. No one replied to Cress' question.

They continued walking, being very aware of their surroundings. There was something wrong, Cinder could feel it.

They slowly approached a garage that housed no less than twenty hovers. They hopped in, one by one.

It was dark inside the hover. It was also larger than the one Adri had.

"So, who's gonna drive this thing?" Thorne asked. "And no offense, but I don't think you should, Cinder. Given the last time you piloted a vehicle we crashed onto Luna."

Cinder let out a sarcastic laugh, short and expressionless. "Then what do you suggest, Captain?"

"Well I can't--I'm still blind. If you hadn't forgotten."

"I can," Iko volunteered, "I mean, I'm no professional, but I know how to drive."

Thorne nodded and so did everyone else. Iko climbed into the driver's seat, Wolf next to her, Cress and Thorne behind them, and Cinder and Kai in the last row.

"Hey Iko." Cinder called.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Go a little slow, you never know what might happen. Someone could see us."

Cress turned in her seat towards Cinder. "Why can't anyone see us? DIY they know we're leaving?"

Cinder looked nervously at Iko, who looked just as stricken as she did. She turned to look at Cress, thinking of hat to say.

"Of course they know," lie, "We just don't want to risk the chance of others possibly seeing us." It didn't even make sense, but Cress nodded and turned around anyway.

She felt the hover rise up from it's position and slowly cruise down the opposite tunnel. There was still no sign of life--anywhere.

They reached the end of the tunnel and began their ascent through another tunnel above them. The ride was painfully silent. Maybe they're all afraid. Cinder thought, Did they feel uneasy too? Did they know where everyone was?

A large manhole opened up, revealing a blinding light that seared Cinder's synthetic eyes.

But as soon as they were up, as soon as she began having faith that they'd escape, the world came crumbling down.

They were surrounded by hundreds of people. Lunars of all ages, colors, and sizes. Soldiers, tinkers, mechanics, miners, bakers.

And a pair of soulless leading them all.

"How sweet, out little friends have finally decided to join us. I was beginning to think you'd never come out." Levana laughed.

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