Chapter 29

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It had been almost an hour since Cress woke up. It was already morning, though she couldn't tell. She just sat on her bed, trying to contemplate the events that occurred in the past week.

First, Cinder's dead stepfather turns out to be alive and living on Luna. Then, the ship is bombarded and destroyed by asteroids where Cinder is badly wounded. The Captain is glamoured into almost ending it for all of them, they are forced to leave the home of Logan Tanner who supposedly helped bring Cinder to Earth when she was just a child. Then they are taken to an underground shelter called the tunnels where the rebellion first took place.

Which leaves her up to now, sitting alone in a quiet, warm guest room. Half of Cress's mind wants to get up and leave, but the other half tells her to stay put because she may get lost. The tunnels where very intricate and easy to get lost in.

Her thoughts return to the Captain. She heard him come back to his room, which was adjacent to her's, the previous night. Cress wondered why Dr. Tanner needed the Captain to come with him.

Her thoughts stopped when he heard a knock at her door. Cress hopped of her bed and tiptoed to the door and opened it. The Captain was standing before her, his hair was back to normal, not as disheveled as it was before. He had changed into the clothes that they received in their rooms, too. She reminded herself to change once the Captain left.

"What is it?" Cress whispered.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked.

"Oh, no, I've been up for a while. What do you need?"

"I'm gonna need some help with this." Captain held up a small bottle.

"The eyedrops?" Cress asked in disbelief, "I thought we left them on the ship."

"We did. Tanner gave these to me, he said they work even better. I should have my sight back in no time."

Cress's face fell. Once he gets his eyesight back, he'll be able to see her. What if he didn't think she was pretty enough? He was handsome, he deserved better than a shy little nobody like her.

"Th-that's great. I'll put your drops in if you want." Cress replied. She didn't want the Captain to know how heartbroken she was about it. She liked him blind, he couldn't judge her by how she looked. It felt nice for someone to treat her so well just by knowing her personality.

Cress almost jumped when the Captain laid a hand in her shoulder. "Lead the way." he said.

Cress guided him over to her bed and seated him on it. He held his hand out with the small bottle and he grabbed it. Cress untied his blindfold and set it gingerly beside her. She looked into his beautiful blue eyes, it reminded her of the oceans she would look down upon when she was in her satellite. Soon, he wouldn't need the eyedrops. Cress wouldn't be able to gaze into the two oceans that mystified her.

She unscrewed the cap. "How many drops?" She asked.

"He said... Two in each, twice a day." the Captain replied.

Cress nodded, though he couldn't see her. She lifted the bottle and squeezed two drops in his right eye and then two in his left.

"How does that feel?" She asked, putting the cap back on.

"Simply divine." he laughed, getting up from the bed and feeling for his blindfold.

Cress picked it up and put it in his hand. He smiled and put the blindfold on. His smile. That's another thing Cress was going to miss gazing upon.

"Thank you, Cress, it was all my pleasure." he said, bowing.

Cress laughed as she helped him to the door. The Captain turned around before leaving, getting hold of Cress's hand. He lifted them up and kissed her knuckles. She was glad he couldn't see because she was redder than Wolf's tomatoes.

"Goodbye." he said, turning and walking back to his room.

Cress made sure to shut the door and shove a pillow onto her face before screaming like a little girl. Her smile took up her entire face.

"No, Captain, it was all my pleasure." She whispered.

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