Chapter 39

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"Ah, crap." Cinder muttered. How could she have been this stupid? How did she think she could just escape and no one would hold her back?

"Cinder," Cress asked, "Who are these people?"

"They're the bad guys." She replied, standing up.

"Forget them, how did Levana find us?" Wolf asked.

Cinder didn't respond. Partially because she didn't know what to say. "Iko, go."


"Iko. Now." Cinder's eyes blared into hers. Iko gave a look of astonishment and turned around.

"Here goes nothing." She said, placing her hands on the wheel.

As soon as Iko put her foot on the pedal, the hover lunged forward. Cinder yelped as she fell back onto Kai'd lap.

"Stars, sorry." She thanked the heavens she couldn't blush at that moment, for she'd be brighter than Levana's lips.

Kai laughed, "It's perfectly fine." He helped Cinder up, which was incredibly difficult when Iko was going about 300 mph. She slammed into her seat from the force and cursed.

"Are you alright?" Kai asked, clutching the handlebar above his seat. Cinder looked up and grabbed her own before responding.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."

"Sorry, you guys!" Iko shouted in front.

"I gotta get me one of these babies. Had no idea they could go so fast!" Thorne said, patting his armrest.

Cinder looked behind her out the back window. Just as she suspected, there were dozens of other hovers chasing them. People on the streets watched the scene with fear. I don't blame them, Cinder thought.

A shot rang out just as she settled back into her seat. It echoed across the town of Estella. Another shot rang out, this one just barely missing the hover's side.

Cinder heard several yelps from the crew. Iko, she noticed, sped up, attempting to dodge the inevitable. They were nearing a dead end when she made a sharp turn, almost knocking Cinder out of her seat and onto Kai again. Which certainly wasn't a problem.

It seemed to work, the hovers were caught off guard and didn't turn fast enough. It would buy them no more than fifteen seconds.

Iko flew into an alleyway and stopped. Everyone looked frazzled. But they didn't waste a second before jumping out the hover and behind a row of abandoned houses.

Everyone's breathing was ragged. Had they finally gotten away? Was the question that plagued Cinder's mind.

"In here." Wolf said, gesturing to the backdoor of one of the houses.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Thorne said, "Don't you think we should knock? I don't know about you, but I'd rather not add 'breaking and entering' to my long list of crimes."

Wolf rolled his eyes. "They're empty, obviously. No one has lived in these houses for years."

They followed him into the small, dingy, house. Wolf was right, it looked like it had no inhabitants whatsoever. Though it was quite clean.

"Smells," Thorne said dryly, "Smells like my old house back in America."

Cinder turned her head towards him, shooting a curious glance. He must've felt eyes on him because he started speaking again.

"Coal. Coal and oil. Not the most pleasant scents to live with, but not the worst. My stepdad was a miner."

"They still have mines in the Republic?" Wolf asked, surveying the room.

"Well, yeah. Technically mining was illegal. Too many people died from exposure to the air. But people did it anywa--"

A muffled sound ended their conversation. Cinder turned her head around to a door with spiral carvings. Before she knew what she was doing, she whipped her metal hand up and pointed the projectile at the shadow on the wall.

"Who's there!" A voice called, presumably the shadow's. No one responded. Cinder noticed a rather large stick in the shadow's hands.

As soon as the figure came into her line of sight, the tranquilizer dart flew out of her finger--hitting the person in the chest.

Only, it wasn't who Cinder expected to see.

"Damn it." Cinder muttered.

"Nice aim. But I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to hit her." Wolf said.

"What's Winter doing here?" Iko asked, following Cinder and Wolf as they approached the body of the unconscious Lunar princess.

It turns out, the large stick was a broom.

Just great, Cinder thought. How many more Royals do I have to shoot while at this whole Revolutionary thing?
Probably a lot more.


A/N: Hey guys! I know you have been asking for more Kaider. But with their current situation, this was the best I could do. But trust me, trust me, I will have soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more Kaider in the chapters to come. You can take my word for it.

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