Chapter 2

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The face that stared back at Kai was unfamiliar. He looked to his side at Cinder, who looked astonished. Her eyes as big as moons and her brows stitched together. Does she recognize him? He thought.

"Garan?" She asked. Garan. Where had he heard his name before? "Is--is th--that you?"

"Hello, Cinder. Gotten yourself into some trouble, I see." Garan laughed, "Who are your friends?"

"How--how are you alive?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up," Thorne said, "you mean to tell me, you were dead?" Garan... he was...

"Cinder, that's your step-father?" Kai asked in disbelief. How is he here? Cinder said he was dead, "You said he died of the plague."

"He did!" She responded

"Let me clear up the confusion," Garan said smoothly, like talking to a child, "I did not die, I survived the plague. Letumosis claims many lives, but not all. Cinder, you might be wondering why I hadn't come back." Cinder nodded rapidly. "Well, after I was free of the plague, a special group of doctors took me to Luna--secretly."

"What special doctors?" She asked

"The ones who brought you to Earth."

"Cinder, your face is priceless." Iko laughed.

"Shut up," she punched her in the arm, hard, "what do you mean, the ones who brought me to Earth?"

"Dr. Logan Tanner, Dr. Sage Darnell, and Mrs. Michelle Benoit."
Kai noticed Wolf's eyes shift downward at hearing the last woman's name. He only recognized two names, Sage Darnell and Michelle Benoit. Sage is--was-- Dimitri Erland. Michelle was in the European Federation Air Force. But who was Logan Tanner?

"I have been living with Dr. Logan Tanner and his family for the past three years."

"Why are you calling now?" Cinder asked.

"We--Dr. Tanner and I--realize you--and your friends--are in some trouble. We also know that you are aware of your identity," he paused to straighten his tie, "and that you wish to start a revolution on Luna, by what we could see."
He was correct about all if those things. Kai turned to Cinder again, her eyes focused on the net-screen.

"Pardon my manners. Your Highness, it's a pleasure. I hope Cinder has been treating you well." Garan said. Thorne and Iko laughed while Kai could feel his ears turning pink. Cinder shot a glare in their direction and mouthed seriously?
"I'm fine, thank you." he did his best to steer the conversation away from Cinder and himself.

"Well, I will send a ship to direct you safely to Luna. I look forward to seeing all of you. Good bye." and the net-screen flickered off.

"Wow." Cinder said

"I know right! He didn't even recognize me!" Iko exclaimed.

"That's because last time he saw you, you were this tall." Cinder replied holding a hand at mid-thigh.

"Still." Iko muttered.

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