Chapter 7

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A/N: Tomorrow's my Birthday!! Yay! But I should still be able to write that day... anyway, enough of my rambling, enjoy Chapter 7!


"It's an asteroid!" Exclaimed Cinder running out of the room. It was moving at about 4500 kilometers (about 2796 miles) a second, they had to get the Rampion out of the way. They had to get everyone up and alert. "Kai, go wake the others. Make sure everyone is up; this may not end well." She said and Kai took off running to the hall to do just that. Cinder made her way through the darkness to the ship's main control panel and turned on the lights. For a moment she was blinded by the quick shift from complete darkness to bright light. Once the lights were on, and her eyes adjusted, she ran to the pilot's seat at the other end.
Cinder spotted the asteroid, very much larger than before, and turned the Rampion off auto-pilot. She heard footsteps getting louder until they were into the room. Kai had managed to wake everyone up, Good, she thought, now lets do this.
"Cinder, what's going on?" Thorne asked sluggishly and frantically, "Is there something wrong?"
"There's an asteroid heading our way. Cinder, how big is it?" Kai said.
"Probably half the size of the Imperial Palace," She responded, "so it's pretty big."
"Anyway, if we don't get out of the way in time, things will go very wrong." Kai said.
Cinder resumed pushing buttons, pulling levers, and manning the ship. It was hard, given that Cinder was still very new to piloting stolen ships.
"Wait. Look." Wolf said, pointing to just left and right of the asteroid, "That's not just an asteroid, it's asteroids."
"What?" Thorne exclaimed, "Cinder, I am not dying like this, no way!"
"Stars, this... This isn't good," she said, "This is going to be very difficult." she continued and heard Cress whimper in the background.
Focus. Breathe, Cinder, breathe. You have so much more you have to do, she told herself.
"You might want to hold onto something, this is going to be a bumpy ride." she said bucking up. Everyone spread throughout the room and held into the straps hanging from the ceiling.
Cinder turned the Rampion as fast as she could, practically tossing everyone to the opposite end, towards Luna. She flipped a couple of switches to increase the speed and velocity and began a descent into the mysterious planet. "Looks like were gonna be a little earlier with our arrival, Garan." She muttered.
The asteroids were getting closer with each passing second, the first one knocking the side of the ship, another just missing it.
"You better have a plan on how were going to land, Princess." she heard Thorne say.
"Don't worry, I do." she replied with a smirk.
They were going to land in the slums, nowhere near Artemisia or the Palace and would most likely land on a roof or building. It might not be a very good plan, but it was in fact, a plan.
Another asteroid hit the backend of the ship with such force, it ripped it right off with a loud crash.
"Is everyone alright?" Cinder asked.
"Yes." Wolf replied.
"Not me!" Thorne said, "My poor ship." he pet the wall, whispering inaudible things.
Alarms were blaring and lights were flashing out of the controls.
"Eleven minutes until arrival on Luna." Darla said.
Eleven minutes... She could do that.
Just as she maneuvered around an incoming asteroid, one came crashing into the right side of the ship. With it took the medbay, docking ramp and exit.
"Just... Just hold on tight, okay?" Cinder yelled, shakiness in her voice, "And look out for incoming asteroids."

What if we all die? She thought. No. Cinder has swam through the deepest waters and climbed the steepest mountains, it's certainly not going to end like this.
"Four minutes until arrival on Luna." Darla said.

Four minutes.

Let's see if we can survive that long.

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