Chapter 8

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Cress was mortified. She began to think that she may die, and that he will never be able to see, touch, kiss, or dream about Carswell Thorne. She shivered, it's not going to end like this, she tried to convince herself, have faith in Cinder.
Unfortunately, the little faith she had in Cinder was nearly demolished because a whole 2/3 of the ship had broken off. Cress was now hanging onto the strip of flimsy fabric hanging from the ceiling for dear life. She looked over to Cinder, her back towards them, with fingers moving so rapidly, they were probably the fastest Cress had ever seen. Each one hitting a button or flicking a switch.
She began to feel a little sick with all the dodging left and right of asteroids, but there were more important things to worry about. Like living, surviving this. She was relieved when Darla had announced there was only four minutes until arrival on Luna.
Cress refocused her gaze on the window in front of Cinder. And all at once, an asteroid bigger than the ship itself, rammed into the front. Cress heard screams and shouts, then released her grip on the fabric and fell. She continued to hear the noise and liked up.
The asteroid had hit the most important part of the ship...


As soon as she saw the mashed, crumpled pilot's quarters, she instantly knew was was going to happen next. They would die. They would all die. The window had shattered, allowing all the oxygen in the ship to escape. It soon became difficult to breathe.
"Everyone over here!" She heard Wolf shout from the opposite corner. He had opened a large crate that revealed air tanks and masks. Thank the stars. She thought. But her smile faded as she looked up at the rest of the crew's faces. Grim and dark. They were all looking at one place, the front of the ship, where the largest asteroid had hit.
Cress didn't even feel it until it happened, one tear after another, she began to weep. But she wasn't the only one, Iko. Though she couldn't cry, she looked heartbroken. She ran over to the pilot's quarters and tried to pry Cinder out of the broken mess. One by one, after putting their equipment on, they ran over to help her. Cress too.
She saw the shattered glass... and the glittering planet before them. They were going to crash and possibly burn to death. But she could save them, Cress could save them.
She remembered when getting a tour of the ship, that their was an emergency control center in this room. She ran over to the wall and unscrewed the bolts with a screwdriver she had borrowed from...
"Cinder." she whispered. For no reason at all beside her grief. The door swung open, revealing a bright (and loud, she noted) control panel. From there, she steered the ship and managed to land it, a fairly bumpy ride. But Captain had taught her well. She landed in what looked like an old sports stadium, abandoned and would definitely receive an F from the health department.
She turned her head when he heard something banging against the wall. It was Wolf trying to break the steel wall open with a hammer, and against all odds, he breaks it.
They rip off their masks and air tanks and Cress rushes over to Cinder.
"Cress, go get help, please." Kai said frantically, "or someone." She knew he was fighting off tears, desperately trying to save the girl he loved. Cress looked at Wolf, who nodded. She ran out of the ship, out the stadium, and into the chaotic streets.

And she wouldn't dare stop running until she got help.

Another A/N: I have writer's block for what to do with Winter an Scarlet at this point. So if you have any ideas, and would like to share, just comment! :)

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