Chapter 17

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The crew boarded the hover that waited behind the house. Cinder sat on the seat closest to the window, Kai next to her. It was comforting for her to know that he would be there for her, always. She'd never really felt wanted before.

He took her hand and held it in his warm, soft ones. She tuned to him and smiled and he smiled back. He mouthed, You ready?

Cinder nodded and squeezed his hand as the hover began to move. She broke her gaze and turned to the window.

"You were right, Tanner." Wolf said. "They're there."

Cinder craned her neck towards the back window. There was a rather large airship parked outside of the house. Royal, probably, she thought. Guards surrounded the home, guns slung across their shoulders.

"Good thing we left..." Iko said, still gaping at the scene quickly escaping their field of view.

"Don't worry, we are going far from where they can find us." Logan said.

Cinder was still trying to wrap her head around the whole "Tunnels" thing. She didn't know what to expect.

[A couple hours later...]

Cinder was beginning to feel tired just sitting there. The darkness of space illuminated by the shimmering stars made the once frightening and mysterious planet feel serene and secure.

The hover dipped down into a shoot that led into some underground recreation. Some places it looked like the sewer Cinder and Thorne walked through when escaping the Commonwealth prison, other places it looked like regular rooms.

"Welcome to the Tunnels." Logan said opening the door. Behind the door, there were hundreds of confused faces. Some working, others helping. But all was silent, not a single sound was made. It was an eerie sort if quiet, not the kind Cinder had been aching for, the kind that gave her unease.

One by one, each of the crew members exited the hover. Cinder was last, being in the last row. When she got off, she could hear gasps and whispers from the people.

Cinder took a deep breath and limped over to where the other were standing. They turned to look at her, hearing the whispers, probably. But she was not looking back at them. Instead, at the clusters of people that stood before her.

This is where the rebellion began, Cinder. She thought.

They are on your side, Cinder.

You are not alone, Cinder.

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