Chapter 48

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Scarlet awoke in a dark cell smelling of bad body odor. A quick sniff of her torn shirt reassured her that the stench wasn't coming from her, but from a neighboring cell. A figure emerged from the shadows outside. Scarlet let out a startled gasp.

"I was starting to think you'd never wake up." An unfamiliar voice echoed.

Scarlet peered from her place against a concrete wall. The shadowy figure stood tall and broad, standing at least six and a half feet. She couldn't make out any of his features. She assumed he was another one of Levana's guards.

When Scarlet didn't reply, the man spoke again. "Her majesty told me to give you a message from her once you awoke."

Scarlet leaned back against he hard wall, rolling her aching neck. "What is it?" Her voice came out barely audible.

Surprisingly, he heard her. "She wanted me to tell you, Scarlet Benoit, that you will be brought to the Lunar Court later today. For your trial."

Scarlet shot up, catching herself before almost face-planting onto the concrete floor. "What?"

"It is scheduled for 09:00."

"What time is it now?"

"Approaching 06:00, Mademoiselle Benoit."

Trial? Scarlet stumbled over to the translucent door of her cell. She looked long and hard at the guard standing just outside, who had his back to her.
Anger and frustration coursed through her blood. It couldn't end like this.

People testifying in front of the Lunar Court hardly ever left without being sentenced to death or torture. One of which Scarlet had already endured.

She had so much to live for. People to live for. For Wolf, for Cinder, for every person of Earth and Luna who have been held underneath Levana's knife for too long. Scarlet wouldn't let her win, she wouldn't go down without a fight.

But for now, she'd just have to wait.


A soft knock at her door signaled Scarlet that the time had come. But she had a plan. It wasn't a good plan, given she had no knowledge of the area or how many guards there would be. But it was was simple: run. It didn't matter whether it was before or after the trial, just as long as it was before anything worse could happen to her.

The door opened and three guards emerged from the light. She winced when one took bruised wrists. He pulled them behind her back roughly, and trapped them with cuffs.

The light outside her cell momentarily blinded Scarlet. When her eyes were fully adjusted, she saw hundreds of other cells just like her own lined up on two separate floors. Her's was located at the far end of the top floor.

A hand brushed her forehead from behind, pushing several red curls from her face. Scarlet whipped around, scowling.

"Calm down," the guard laughed, "just wanted to make you look slightly more presentable."

"And if I don't? You'll what?" She laughed. "Kill me for looking like a real human after being tortured?" Scarlet spat.

Another guard pushed her along the corridor. "I figured you'd want to look good for the cameras."


The guard let out a laugh. "The trial's being televised throughout Luna and Earth. So congrats, you're officially a big deal."

Scarlet walked in silence for what felt like hours until they reached a large black door. A guard knocked heavily three times on the wood. "She's ready." He said.

Scarlet was pulled backward as the doors opened. She gasped at the sight of the room. No matter how many times she'd come in there, she'd never get used to seeing the courtroom. At the other end, a glass wall revealed the city of Artemisia. On the two sides sat the Lunar Court. And on her side, the Queen and her nobles.

Scarlet was led into the great room. The clicking of the guards' boots against the granite floor pounded in her ears.

"Your Majesty," the guards bowed towards the veiled lunatic sitting along side her psychotic minions.

"Thank you, Sir Damion, Sir Keifer, and Captain Adarte." The Queen replied.

Scarlet let out a short laugh. Levana's gaze flickered to her and with a small smile, she was forced to her knees.

Respect her Majesty. You cherish her. You would give your life to her.

"Your Majesty," Scarlet said.

She was pulled back up and led to the black, wooden chair in the center of the room. As she sat, she searched the large room for any cameras, but there were none. For a second she thought the guard had lied to her, until she saw one behind her in the corner of the room.

Levana's voice sent shivers down her spine. "Shall we begin?"

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