Chapter 28

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"K-kill Winter?" Jacin asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Not here, of course. That would be too risky." Levana replied.

"I-I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"You want to be free, don't you?"

"Well yes but I'm not going to kill Winter for it."

"Why not?"

Because I love her, because she means the world to me, because I care about her, because I need her. "Because as a royal guard it is my job to protect the Princess."

"You think that if you don't do this she'll be safe? Either way she will die. Now it is your choice, would you like to do the honors? Or shall I?" Levana said sternly, fire behind her eyes.

Jacin gulped. He knew what he had to do to protect Winter. "I-I'll do it."

"There you go," she said sweetly, "and I didn't even have to glamour you."

Levana took a shiny metal object off her waist. It was a key. She placed it in the lock and opened the cell door.

"Now don't get any ideas." She said coldly, placing a pair of handcuffs around his wrists.

Jacin's mind was still running. He couldn't comprehend why Levana would want Winter dead. She guided him out of the cell compound and they made their way to the weaponry room. Jacin received curious glances from guards, maids, and nobles.

She stopped at a door and entered a code, with a woosh, the door opened, revealing a room full of weapons, supplies, and gear.

"Now I'm not saying I don't trust you, Sir Clay," Levana said closing the door behind her, "but I will need evidence that you did in fact kill her."

"What kind of evidence?" Jacin asked, trying to keep a straight face. He didn't want her to find out his plans--the plans he was still not very sure about.

"I won't be too inhumane," Jacin stifled a laugh, "So bring me a lock of her hair and a vile of her blood."

"Yes, your Majesty." he replied.

"And if you tell anyone, anyone, I will make sure you suffer." Her eyes blared into Jacin's.

"I won't, your Majesty."

"Good." She smiled, "Take her to the slums, or anywhere that isn't near Artemisia, understand?"

"I understand. But how do I do it?" Jacin asked, not wanting to say the word.

"Be creative." Levana made a smile that made Jacin sick. How could she be so cruel to kill her own stepdaughter? Jacin brushed it off, she was cruel. She killed her husband and niece.

But she wouldn't be killing Winter,

He would.


Jacin took a simple gun from a storage crate in the weaponry room. Unlike the dagger or ax, it wouldn't leave behind any evidence of her death. He would take Winter out of Artemisia, to Estella, where Lihn Cinder's ship had been spotted. He would cut a piece out of her hair and take some of her blood, leaving her unharmed.

Jacin hid the gun in his holster, walking to the menagerie, where Winter was. He knocked three times upon entering the room.

Winter was sitting in the floor in front of a red headed girl who looked less than happy.

"Your Highness," he said. Winter turned and faced Jacin. Her eyes wide.

"Jacin? What are you doing out?" She asked worriedly. Winter looked behind him, searching for anyone else.

"You have to come with me."


"Orders from the Queen." She nodded and waved a quick goodbye to the girl in the cage. They walked in silence as they left the palace. Jacin felt eyes on him as they stood outside on the artificial grass.

"Now tell me what's going on." Winter demanded.

"I'm afraid," Jacin said looking up at the window where Levana stood, watching them, "I'm afraid I can't."

Winter furrowed her brows and followed his gaze up to the window. Levana had left before she managed to see. "Okay."

They hopped into a hover and Jacin drove off. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"Estella." Jacin replied.

"Why there?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."

They passed several towns before they were completely out of view of Artemisia. The building stared to get dirtier and the streets lonelier. That's how he knew they were in the slums.

A small sign on the side of the road signified that they had reached Estella.

"Okay tell me now, what's going on?" Winter asked.

Jacin took a deep breath and began. "Levana wants you dead. She told me to kill you." Jacin replied. Winter looked stricken. "No, no, I'm not going to kill you."

"Oh," she sighed in relief, "Then what are you doing?"

"You need to hide, don't let Levana, or anyone, see you, okay?"

Winter was confused, Jacin could see it. It must have been a lot to take in. Her stepmother wanting her dead, having to hide so she doesn't get killed.

"But first I need something from you. Evidence that I killed you. Levana said so."

She tilted her head to the side. "What do you need?"

"I need a lock of your hair and a vial of your blood." Winter held out her arm so he could gather the few drops of blood.

He walked around to the back of her and picked a piece at the base of her neck to cut.

"Where'll I go?" She asked softly. Jacin hadn't thought of that. He couldn't just leave her out on the streets to fend for herself.

He looked out the window, there were few small cottages lining the streets. But she would, of course, be noticed by them all if she asked to stay with them.
Jacin couldn't believe what he was about to say.

"Winter, I need you to use your glamour." he rushed the words out, almost sounding like gibberish.

"What? No. No, I can't do that. You know how I feel about using my gift."

Jacin knew she would say that. "Winter, you need to understand that this is a matter of life and death, your life and death. It's nothing like Levana would do. You're doing this for your own safety. "

She stood there searching his eyes. She gulped. "O-okay."

"Now there are cottages lined up over there." Jacin said, pointing. "You can stay there, now go. I don't have much time before Levana gets suspicious."

Winter pulled him into a tight embrace almost suffocating him. "I'm gonna miss you." Her voice muffled.

"I'll miss you too, Trouble."

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