Chapter 42

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"Your Majesty, Wen Arturo." a guard with dark, slick back hair announced.

The Queen looked upon Wen with a devilish smile that made his skin crawl. She knew he was frightened, she knew he was uncomfortable, and she loved it.

The Queen motioned for the guards to leave the room, which they all did, and gracefully sat down on the seat opposite to him.

"So tell me," she said, another smile creeping up her lips, "what did you do to my precious Winter?"

Wen was shocked. He wondered if this was the reason he was here. She must've thought he'd been the one to kidnap Winter, which was unbelievably incorrect.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wen replied, sitting a little straighter in the chair that was all to big for him.

The Queen let out a superficial laugh and lunged at Wen, grabbing his collar.

"Tell me where she is!" She shouted, "Tell me, or I bring your little friends over too!"

Wen's throat began to swell, at least it felt like it. His vision became blurry as spots appeared. He desperately clawed on the hands gripping his neck.

"P-please, y-your Majesty." he begged.

Finally, the Queen let go. Wen caught his breath and felt his neck. Blood seeped out from around his neck from cuts made by the Queen's inhumanly long nails.

"My guards saw you with her." she simply stated, her expression showing no signs of the rage she expelled moments prior.

"Winter told me what you were going to do to her. She wasn't kidnapped, she ran away." Wen glared at the Queen.

She looked shocked. Quickly, the shocked expression turned to aggravation. Wen felt a sudden urge to apologize to his Queen for his actions.

So he did.

"I'm sorry, your Majesty."

The Queen smiled another bitter smile and stood up from her seat. She rounded the table and stopped in front of Wen.

"I accept your apology, Mr. Arturo. Now tell me the truth." she said sweetly.

Wen could feel her creeping into his mind. He could feel her draining him of his thoughts. He could feel her twisting and turning them until they were what she wanted. He wouldn't let it happen, though.

Wen created an imaginary barricade, blocking her Majesty from his mind. He needed to get out of here. He needed to protect Winter--he needed to be her soldier.

But the barricade was imaginary, Wen was simply not strong enough to keep the Queen out.

"I kidnapped her, your Majesty. I apologize." the words that fell out of his mouth weren't those of his own. Wen felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He'd given in.

"Thank you for your cooperation." with that, the Queen marched out of the room. She was in conversation with the guards waiting outside the door when Wen peered over the table.

He made a silent wish that Winter was safe. That his friends we're at home with her, hoping they'd fight for her.

Wen took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

That was when he ran.


It was a swift motion; Wen springing from his seat, making a mad dash out the door. He knew every twist and turn in the palace, or he thought he did. Everything felt possible at that moment.

The shouts and calls from palace guards didn't bother him. It made him go faster. Because for the first time in his life, he had something to run for.

It felt like five seconds until he was out the door, passing the artificial gardens, artificial ponds, the artificial water in the artificial fountains. He could've ran from every corner of this artificial planet if he wanted to.

But his invincibility ended just as it began. Several guards appeared in front of Wen, guns in hand. Something propelled him to stop, something holding his feet in place. Wen knew exactly what was the cause of it. A guard parted from the group and walked to him.

"You're faster than I thought, little dwarf," he said, pulling out a set of handcuffs.

"Looked like you had somewhere to go, really," He latched the cuffs around Wen's wrists.

"Or perhaps, someone to go to." He steered him back towards the gates of the palace.

"If I were you, I'd keep that a little secret," The guard whispered, "wouldn't want that Queen to know where she is."


A/N: Sorry for such a late update, guys! :( I hope none of you thought the story was discontinued, because it's most definitely NOT. I'd never do that to you guys :)
Thanks for being so patient with my lagging updates :)

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