Chapter 9

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Cress's thoughts came to a holt when she came to a realization. Who would help a group of wanted fugitives worth more than their entire lives? That was definitely a problem, a big problem. But she didn't stop running and eventually she found herself out of breath, in a marketplace.
Their were Lunars everywhere, perfectly imperfect. She looked around helpless until she felt a soft tap at her shoulder. A thaumaturge, she thought upon feeling it. Cress turned around slowly and looked up. It was a man, he had dark, shaggy hair, brown eyes, and slight stubble. He felt strangely familiar, where had I seen him before?
The man began to speak in a low and soothing voice, "May I speak to you for a moment?" Cress nodded and the man lead her to an alleyway.
She was trembling with nervousness and she managed to get out something, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"I thought you might have recognized me," he said, "but alright. I am Lihn Garan, I called you earlier."
That's how I remember him! She thought. Cress licked her lips and tasted metal. Her lip was bleeding, along with her cheek. "Oh right, I'm sorry." She said.
"That alright. Now what are you doing out in he open like this? Where are the others?" He asked.
"There's been an accident," Cress held back her tears at the thought of why she had been sent out, "Cinder's hurt, or dead. I don't know. But we need help, please."
Garan's face paled and urged her to lead him towards Cinder and the others.



As soon as Cress left to find help, Wolf ran over to the pilot's quarters--or what was left of it. He saw a mangled, dented, destroyed, titanium hand sticking out. The front of the ship had been sandwiched, with Cinder in between it all. He motioned for Kaito, Iko, and Thorne to step back. With multiple attempts of pushing the mess apart, he finally got it. And it wasn't nice.
"Guys, why don't you look out for Cress, alright. Stand watch; but don't get caught, okay?" Wolf said wanting to get them away from the wreckage and not see what he did.
As soon as they left the ship, Wolf looked back at the small figure. She was slumped forward, facing the smashed floor. She had a large cut on her back, spreading from the base of her neck, to just above her hips.
Wolf was gentle when gingerly lifting the body up from the disaster and placing her on the floor. There were several bruises scattered among her face, cuts from the glass, and mostly blood. Her lip had torn open along with the skin on the right side of her face. It was a large cut going from her forehead to her chin, staying along the side of her face.
Cinder's clothes were bloodied and dirty with grease. Her metal limbs hopelessly damaged. She also had a large wound on the left side of her torso. She was a mess.
Wolf had seen worse, given he was a special operative trained to kill, but to see it on somebody who leaned something to him... it was like a dagger to the heart. When he kneeled down to pick the slender body up, he noticed something. Across her neck was a thin line, which blood was still streaming out of.
It was soaking her brown shirt and coloring her collarbone a deep crimson. When he heard commotion outside the ship, he ran over to see what it was. The man from the call, Garan, was there along with Cress. Wolf let out a sigh at the reassurance that she hadn't been captured. Garan climbed into the large whole Wolf had made and ran over to him.
"Is she alright?" He asked his gaze fixed on the mangled body lying on the floor. "Is she gone?"
"I'm not sure." Wolf replied.
"Come on, it won't take long for someone to see us." Garan motioned him to follow.
Wolf ran over to the body and carefully lifted her into his arms. She was indeed light, which was easy on him. He was careful not to touch any of her wounds so they wouldn't get worse.
Wolf climbed out of the ship and ran over to Garan and the rest. When he came over, everyone's gazes landed on the severely damaged girl wrapped up in his grasp. "We need to act quick, I don't know how much time we have left." he said.
Luckily, Garan's--or rather Logan Tanner's home wasn't far from were they had landed. They used a back way so they wouldn't be noticed. When they reached home, Wolf, Kaito, Cress, Thorne, and Iko were all rushed in.

"Come over here, sir." Garan said to Wolf. There was a long table, a dining table perhaps, which Wolf gingerly laid Cinder down on. He saw him grab a few medical tools and many rags.
"Stars, Cinder." Garan muttered, "What more trouble can you get yourself into?"
"Will she be alright?" Emperor Kaito asked worried.
"I don't know. It's about time at this point. I can save her if I move quickly enough." Garan replied.
He started with cleaning the blood off her face and neck. He grabbed a needle and thread and began stitching the wound on her neck. Garan grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off the bottom part of Cinder's shirt, just below her ribs. Her stomach was smeared with the same crimson shade her back was. A deep gash was evident, it was still leaking blood. He cleaned it up and stitched the wound together.
The entire operation took nearly two agonizing hours before Cinder was mostly cleaned up, wounds closed.

Wolf walked back into the room she was left in when everyone else was sleeping. He entered silently and took a seat next to the body. Her once deep, focused eyes were closed peacefully blanketed in sleep. Her chest was slowly rising and falling, which meant she would be fine, for the time being.

Wolf began to think back to Kaito, he knew he cared deeply for Cinder. If it were Scarlet who was on the edge of death, Wolf would feel terrible.
After a couple minutes watching her, making sure Cinder was alright, he left.

Everything would be alright.

For now.

A/N: Sorry for the super-long chapter! My creative juices were just flowing! Anyway, see ya tomorrow!

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