Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

Some of the chapters of this story are not for young readers. As it may contain such as strong language, sexual content and controlling/dominant, jealousy, villain protagonist (dark zarry). If you find it disturbing, offensive and inappropriate, please discontinue reading or skip the chapter.

The content of most of the chapter is intended for Mature readers only.

Thank you 💚💛

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Sweats, spit and aggressive hands meander each other sensuality. Fingering and licking while they stripping him off. Both naked now in his bed. How he loves the sound of their voice each time he shoves his finger inside.

"Shit Z, that feels so good.."

So voluptuous, horniness in their heavy breathing, three body's both taking pleasure, savoring each other's taste. He gravels his teeth in satisfaction when one of them went under the sheet and placed her head between his legs. He moans provocatively and bites his lower lip. Then he felt the other woman climbing on top of him, rubbing and squeezing her proud breast while she's licking his ear. He promptly grabbed that well-shaped breast and suck it wide open in his mouth. Then she grabs his super hard cock and strokes it without any rush. He's about to grab her ass when the door slams wide open and his assistant walks straight inside his room. Wearing a suit and holding a newspaper. Face is vexed and agitated. Didn't care that he is in the middle of a very important business with the two naked women in his bed.

They both freeze.

"Dude--man, c'mon. I'm in the middle of something here!" He exclaimed. Hand is still in the women's boobs.

But his assistant just gave him an angry, sharp glare. He can even see his clenching jaw. That makes him pause and stare at him. Mike has been his assistant for 5 years, and it's very rare for him to be pissed, but this time is included. He saw him brush his hair with his hand before he started to speak.

"You never learn do you?" He uttered in his vigorous voice. "When are you going to stop!" He shouted and threw the newspaper straight to his face. And he thought it was an indirect slap from him.

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