Chapter 10

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It's been a week now that Harry is staying at Zayn's place

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It's been a week now that Harry is staying at Zayn's place. He's supposedly going to stay there for 2 days only, but ever since that news was aired everything changed immediately. Just a few hours after that news drop, a bunch of reporters, people, and paparazzi are circling outside in Zayn's place. And Mike becomes busy declining all calls from different talk shows that want to have a piece of information about Zayn's upcoming marriage.

And for Harry, they found out about him the next day. His name is all over the place, T.V, newspapers, news, etc. Luckily they don't exactly know who he was and they don't know his identity since he doesn't have any social media. Which makes him grateful. However, he tried to go back to his place that day, but only to find out that his house has been monitored by the press and paparazzi. All of the people became anxious about who he was and wants to know what he looks like. And all of his friends in his work have called him nonstop, texting him that his name is everywhere! He wants to answer their questions, but he took Mike's advice to not answer any calls for now to avoid more confusion.

But his life has been turned upside down in just a blink of an eye. Just a week ago, he's only a dishwasher, working in a nightclub and cleaning houses. And now people around the world know his name because he's going to be married to a famous person in the world!

Zayn also found out that it was Doniya who got interviewed by a press that day after their reunion party. His parents are sponsoring a non-profit foundation for children with cancer and the event was held in a hotel. There are a few presses in that event. And one of the reporters heard the conversation of Doniya and her mother and they started to ask them some questions, which they happily answered.


That morning while everyone is still sleeping, he's preparing an early breakfast in the kitchen. Zayn has given him full access to the house since he will be living here for 2 months after they'll get married, but he will still be staying in the guest room.

Yesterday Donniya and Safaa visited him and they are chatting the whole day, they've talked about what theme they wanted for their marriage. He doesn't know why but ever since he met Zayn's family he instantly felt comfortable with them, even with his father. He gets along with everyone.

Except with Zayn.

He still felt uneasy towards him. And when they are alone in the house, he can't look at him when he asks something. Their ambiance is very different when they are alone.

And last night Zayn's mother called him on his phone saying they will visit him today. So he's preparing food that morning while Zayn is still sleeping. He does a quick cleaning in the house too.

Past 7 am when Zayn woke up and saw all the preparation. He saw him in the kitchen with an apron.

"What's all of this?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. His hair is still messy and he still looks fresh from the bed.

"Sorry for using your kitchen. I haven't told you last night, but your parents and your sisters will be here today.." He explains.

"Who told you they'll be here?"

"Your mom, she called me last night.. I was about to tell you, but you already went to your room.."

"Next time, tell me everything.."

He nodded and didn't try to speak as he had already turned and walked away going back to his room. It's always been like this every time they are alone. They don't talk too much, and everything just felt so awkward. After he prepared everything, he also went back to his room and took a shower. And around 9 am they've already arrived.

Zayn's parents and his 3 sisters are taking their breakfast that morning and were impressed with the food that Harry prepared for them

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Zayn's parents and his 3 sisters are taking their breakfast that morning and were impressed with the food that Harry prepared for them. Even Zayn was surprised when he tastes the food.

"So Zayn, your mother and I want your wedding to be held in Pennsylvania. We can have a garden wedding there. It will be perfect for our visitors." Yaser said.

"Wait.. What visitor? I told you it will only be a simple wedding with a limited number of people. Only those close to us. My main purpose is to stay away from media and--"

"Honey, we tried but they've seen the news. All the people know about it.." His mother said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Yes I know, but I want it to be private as possible.. I don't even want to hire a wedding planner. Just a very simple wedding is all I want.." He said in his straight face. And everyone was silent but didn't say anything.

She turn her head and asked Harry who was quiet the whole time. "What about you, Harry? Is that okay with you..?"

He nodded. "I also preferred to have a simple wedding. We already talked about this before.." He said and smiled at them.

Yaser pushes the plates away and grabs his glass of water before talking to everyone at the table. "Will, I don't see anything wrong with a simple wedding.. So let's just stick with Zayn's plan." Yaser said as a final decision.


That day the entire family stayed there until evening and went back to the hotel past 8 pm. Harry didn't notice the time since he was having a good chit-chat with the 3 ladies and with his parents.

When everyone was already in the van preparing to leave, Harry and Zayn bid goodbyes, Trisha gives a tight hug with them.

"Before I forgot, Harry. Your food is amazing!" She said which everyone agreed to.

"Thanks, Mrs. Malik. I'm glad you like it.." He smiled.

"You know what, you should practice calling me Mom from now on. Ok? It won't make any difference anyway, you'll be getting married two weeks from now."

That gives them an awkward smile especially Zayn is standing beside him. But he nodded at her.

They wave goodbye when the van drove off and slowly disappeared in their vision.

As soon as the gate close, Zayn's hands in his waist immediately detach away from him. Together with his fake smile faded from his face.

"Clean the house before you sleep.." He said without looking at him as he turns around and went inside.

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