Chapter 40

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Zayn stayed another week in the hospital before the doctor allowed him to go home and continue his therapy and medication

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Zayn stayed another week in the hospital before the doctor allowed him to go home and continue his therapy and medication. And Harry is always with him and never leaves his side. However, all project Zayn did that year was canceled including his 2 movies and was moved in the following year.

It's been 2 days now that he went back to Zayn's house. And he was standing in the living area looking at the entire place. It's been 2 months that he was gone and he miss the place. It's already past 9 pm. Then he saw the flower that Tresha give him. He remembers the impression she had when Zayn announced that he was pregnant. He smiled. Everyone was surprised but happy about the news.

"What are you gazing at?"

He turns around and saw Zayn with the electric wheelchair he grabbed his hands and squeeze them.

"Nothing, I just miss the place."

Zayn smiles and reaches his belly and gently rubs it. "I can't wait to meet our baby."

"Yeah me too."

"I hope my mom is right that it was effective."

He frowned. "What effective?"

Zayn jolt. "Nothing!" He clears his throat. " Are we not going to bed?"

"I'm not sleepy yet. You?"


That night they decided to visit the garden where they had their last date before.

He was sitting on the white wooden bench while Zayn is beside him. Suddenly, Zayn slowly pulls his face and gives him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thank you for coming back to me.." He whispered.

He smiled. He hold Zayn's hand and gently planted small kisses. Feeling the warmth of his palm. "When I saw you in the hospital bed, I was so scared. I had never been so scared in my entire life.. Thanking any minute God will take you away from us.. Every minute that I stayed in that room, makes me think about our problem as a couple. And I realize, what we have is real. And real relationships that last, involve a lot of forgiveness. And I have to accept the fact that my partner isn't perfect and will hurt me, make me cry and upset.. And I have to figure out if I'm willing to go through ups and downs with him. And that's where I learn that I shouldn't have left you. Instead, we should fix our problem and work on our marriage, rather than running away from it."

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Thank you.."

That night they went back inside the house almost past 11 pm. They didn't make love, but Zayn wrapped his arms around him the entire night and didn't let go until they fall asleep.


Zayn is slowly able to gain his strength back and slowly able to walk again. However, that is the opposite in his situation. As the day goes by, he notices a lot of changes happened in his body and moods. His 3 months pregnant now and his morning sickness is so terrible that most of the time his just in bed for the whole day.

"Babe, are you sure you're okay? You look very pale.."

He slowly stood up in the bed and flitched when his vision becomes shakey. He groaned and took a deep breath when he was finally able to lift his head. "Y-yeah.. Don't worry about me, you can go. I just need to take a little rest." He said in his weak voice.

Zayn went over and kissed him on the lips. "I'll be back in the afternoon. Just take as much rest as you want."

He nodded. "Where are you going again?"

Zayn suddenly pulled back and averted his gaze at him. "I-I.. Just in the studio. Mike will be there with me.."

He saw his awkward reaction but his head is spinning that he decided not to think too much about it. "Alright, take care.."

"Yeah, love you.."

"Love you too.."

As soon as Zayn arrived inside his car, he immediately called Mike.

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah, I already found him. When do you want to meet him?"

"Not now, maybe next week. I can't leave Harry yet.."

"Okay, tell me ahead of time so I can adjust your schedule."

Meanwhile, Harry is still in his bed, tossing and massaging his head

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Meanwhile, Harry is still in his bed, tossing and massaging his head. He never thought that being pregnant would be like this. It's like total torture. He slowly stood up and leaned against the wall while going to the bathroom. He's holding his head and wheezing realizing leaving in his bed is a bad idea. He decided to go back and turn around but before he can even step forward he already collapsed and drops on the floor. The last thing he heard and saw with his blurry eyes was the scream of Tresha running towards him.


Harry woke up and found himself in the hospital. Tresha is beside him.

"Honey dear, how's your feeling?" She asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Mom, I'm okay I think.." He said, still feeling weak. "What happened?"

"You collapsed, good thing I was there. I already called Zayn by the way. He was frantic when I told him what happened. He's on his way."

The door opened and the doctor went inside. Giving them a wide smile while holding a booklet. "Nothing to worry about. I actually didn't see any problems or complications with his pregnancy. However..." The doctor paused as he give them a coy smile.

"His a having twins."


"Shit!" Zayn spat. When he saw the traffic going to the hospital. His mom called him 20 minutes ago and told him that they rush Harry to the hospital because he collapsed.

He's slowly losing his cool inside the car. He paused when he heard his phone ring. He immediately answers it.

"Mom? How is he? Is he okay?!"

Oh Zayn, you won't believe this! My wish finally came true! I told you it's effective!"

"Mom what are you talking about?!"

You and Harry are having a twins!"

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