Chapter 24

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The next day Zayn woke up early and prepare everything for his departure

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The next day Zayn woke up early and prepare everything for his departure. Mike was there to help him pack his things and some of their team too. While everyone is doing their work, Zayn brought Harry to the west wing.

Zayn is giving him full access to the house now. Including the theater, library, and sports room. Each of the rooms has its password which he provided to him. He also gives him access to his infinity pool. Lastly, they went into his huge garage that was nearly the size of the house. There, he saw 15 different types of cars that he own.

"Choose, which one do you like to use?"

Harry's eyes won't stop blinking, staring at the huge place with different types of branded cars.


"I'll be away for a week, so if you need to go somewhere, at least you have your car."

Harry refuses the offer, saying he can stay in the house since it's only a week. But he insisted and they argued a bit that took them almost 10 minutes.

Zayn snorted as he slightly chuckled. "Will, you just choose already?"

"Fine, I'll have that." He pointed to the 2021 Ford Escaped Model.




Zayn grabbed his hand and they went into what looked like a locker near the entrance. When he opens it, it's where the keys of all the cars were kept. He grabs one of the keys and gives it to him.

"Here. It's yours."

"Are you sure you're giving me this? I mean.. I never thought I'd have a car --I know how to drive but -- gosh.. I've only used my only vintage bicycle since high school and and --" He paused when he noticed he was already mumbling. ".. Sorry, thank you by the way.."

Zayn stared at him with a sideways grin. "Welcome.."

Zayn and the staff left at 2 pm. And Harry standing at the entrance looking at the van slowly vanishing in his sight. And for the first time, he felt a gut-wrenching sensation looking at it.


The next day Harry woke up and the silence of the entire house was almost immersed in him. He was waiting for a call from Zayn but didn't receive anything last night. He also texted him but didn't receive any response.

That morning after taking a shower, Harry decided to try his new car. He went downtown and explored the area when suddenly remembered to visit his friends in the restaurant that he worked at before.

There he saw Niall who was so surprised to see him. He laughed so hard when he saw his reaction. They hug each other and spend the entire day talking. They went to the Ramen Restaurant where they used to spend almost every day.

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