Chapter 15

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The next morning, Harry woke up feeling good

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The next morning, Harry woke up feeling good. The very opposite of what he felt the other day. Seeing his friends yesterday gives him a boost and positive feelings.

He went directly into the kitchen and prepared breakfast. He also does his morning chores. It's already past 8 am when he's done everything. But wonder why Zayn didn't go out in his room. His car is parked outside, so he's pretty sure that he's still in the house. Last night he also noticed he went home early but he just stays in his room the whole night.

To be honest, he wants them to be friends at least. He doesn't like this kind of atmosphere between them. 2 months in this house were already long enough for two people who refuse to communicate. But talking like a normal person will help ease any tension. So he decided to make the first move. He went upstairs and knock-in Zayn's room.

"Hmn.. Zayn? the food is ready.."

He didn't hear anything.

"Zayn, are you still in bed?"

Still no response. He sighs and decided to leave. He is a person who is hard to approach but he's willing to try again later this evening.


That afternoon, Harry decided to go to the closest store to buy something for Joan for her birthday next week. He decided to buy her a tote bag as a present. After he brought the gift, he went straight home and call a cab. But he was surprised when a black GMC stopped in front of him. It was Louis.

"Hey, Harry!" Louis called out as he slowly lowers down the window of his car.

"Oh hey, Lou! What're you doing here? I thought you already went back to London?" He asked with a wide smile on his face. He didn't expect to see him there.

"Will my work is here so.." Louis paused when he realizes something while looking at Harry. "..Hey, is Zayn not with you? Are you alone?" He asked.

Harry's smile slowly faded as his face becomes downcast.

Harry shook his head and try to force a smile. "He's busy.. You know, a lot of important things to do in the studio and interview--"

"More important than you..?"

Harry looks down when he's unable to respond to him. "Yes, because I'm just a fake wife to him.." He wanted to say that to Louis but he is not allowed to say it.

Louis is staring at him, clearly looking at his visible desolation expression that is covered in his entire face. He knew something is wrong and he can't help but feel pity for him. For some reason, he wants to comfort him in any way he can.

"Hey, you know what... Hop in, let's grab something to eat.." Louis said and give him a wide smile and a wink.

" I don't think that would be a good idea--"

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