Chapter 38

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The hospital was packed with media and people who's there to show their support for Zayn

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The hospital was packed with media and people who's there to show their support for Zayn. When they arrived at the parking lot, Louis is holding his hand when they enter the elevator away from the people. When they reach the floor, 2 guards escorted them to the private room. There he saw Zayn's parents and his 3 sisters.

Immediately Tresha hugs him and cries on his shoulder. Yaser went over to him with a sad, desperate look.

"I'm glad you came, Harry," Yaser said as he pats him on his shoulder.

"Where is he? Can I see him?" He wipes the tears in his face as he tries not to go hysterical. Tresha and Yaser escorted him to Zayn's room.

He saw Zayn in the bed with 2 oxygen, IV bag, and anesthesia machine on his side with that painful ticking sound coming from him to monitor his heartbeat. He nearly stumbles while walking inside that gloomy room and all he can hear is the sound of the machine beside his bed. He can't describe the pain he felt when he's standing beside him and didn't notice that he's already drenched with tears.

They decided to leave him in the room with Zayn so he can have private time. Louis also agreed and inform him that they will be waiting outside. The moment the door was closed, he broke down and cried. Holding the hands of Zayn, pressing it while remembering those days that he was holding him in his arms.

All the things that he wanted to say to him just burst out in his mouth. Those feelings that he tries to conceal because of his anger and disappointment suddenly just exploded.

"Zayn if you can hear me, please try to fight back. I'm so sorry for leaving you.. That's my mistake.. We're both stubborn but I don't want you to leave me. Can you hear me? I'm pregnant, you'll be a father soon. We're having a baby. So please.." He plopped his head into the mattress while still holding his hand and sobbed. It was so quick that he almost didn't notice a slight movement from Zayn's finger.

The Doctor arrived holding an X-ray.

"There are no fractures that we saw in his x-ray. We were also able to successfully remove the blood lump that was formed in his upper kidney, where it was the most vital of all his wounds. However, he lost a lot of blood. That causes most of his veins to shut down and damage some of his organs and put him in a temporary coma. As for now, we don't have any accurate information on when he's going to wake up because that will depend on his body. Though we were able to replace the blood immediately, it will still take time to fully function his normal motions. If he can pull this off, he will have full rest and minimal exercise and continue his treatment. This process will take a few months to fully get back his normal strength. Let's just pray that he will wake up soon."

His family was devastated about the news. But they are thankful that Zayn was given a second chance to live. And for Harry, he can't help but feel guilty about what happened to him. Because of his stubbornness to reconcile, Zayn went into a depression that makes him hard to deal with. His anger worsen. He already mention before that he is not very good at handling his anger. Worse, instead of trying to work on their marriage and help Zayn with his condition, he ends up going to another man's arms to find comfort. He silently stood up and went to Zayn's room and cried once more. He's guilty beyond words now that he realizes what a big mistake he made not only with Zayn but also with Louis. Taking advantage of his feelings, now these two men will suffer because of his wrong decision.

 Taking advantage of his feelings, now these two men will suffer because of his wrong decision

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Louis gave him a ride going back to his place. They parked at the front of his house, both in silence. Harry knew he needed to end this with him but he couldn't find the words to say it without hurting the man beside him. Especially he can sense that Louis was waiting for him to talk. He can sense he already knew what his going to say to him. Before he can open his mouth, a teardrop falls from his eyes, realizing he is about to break his heart that night.

"L-Louis.. I--"

"I guess this is it, huh.. I reached my endpoint. I enjoyed the short time with you, though." Louis turned his head and looked at him with pain in his eyes.

Facepalm. He cried in front of him. He doesn't want to hurt him. He doesn't deserve all of this. And cries because he is the reason for his pain.

"Lou, believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you.. And I'm so sorry if I used you, it was wrong but please don't hate me.."

Louis slowly ran a hand in his hair. " look at me Hazz.." He said softly and removed his hands from his face. "I will never hate you, that will never happen, cuz no matter what, you will always be my Harry.." He wipe his tears in his eyes. " but thank you for letting me embrace you, it was short but I feel like you're mine. But Zayn needs you and you need to take care of him. You are the only person who can control him. And even though you never said anything, I already knew my defeat long before I confessed to you."

Harry immediately hugged him tight and cried on his shoulder. " Lou.. You will always have a special place in my heart.."

"Thank you.." He unwrapped his hand and gently gave him a last kiss on the cheek. "Go now before I change my mind.." He went out in the car and never turn back.


The next day, Louis didn't go to the hospital, and later that day, Yaser inform him that Louis went back to the UK. He tried to call him but the number is no longer available.

That same day, Harry requested to stay in the hospital overnight since the hospital only allows 1 family member to stay in the room. The visitor is only until 7 pm. There are also 2 guards patrolling the floor. In case some press and fan will attempt to enter the room.

He is setting near Zayn's bed and holding his hand. And just realize his palms become thinner. His beard also becomes thicker. He took a deep breath and can't help but to reminiscence their past. He kissed his hand and rested his head as he slowly doze off.

It didn't take long that he was awakened by a slight pressure in his hands. He looked up and gasped when he saw Zayn slowly move and groan.
He immediately stood up and call one of the nurses.


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