Chapter 30 (Mature+)

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Zayn arrived at the studio the next day full of positive vibes

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Zayn arrived at the studio the next day full of positive vibes. He never felt like this before. And it visibly shows in his face. But he doesn't care if people looked at him weirdly. He went to the elevator going straight to Clifford's office for a short meeting.

He is one of the actors who will receive a special speech in the upcoming Golden Globe Award next week. He also has 3 nominations. And his team and everyone in the office are hoping for him to get his first Oscar award. The meeting only took 2 hours. After that, he went back to his place. He plans to surprise Harry that day since he went back to the hospital to visit his friend again. He plans to cook him dinner. He stop for quick groceries and also he went to a flower shop before going straight home.

He started cooking around 5 pm. This is the first time in a long time that he tries to cook again. And he's not sure if Harry would like it. He paused when his phone rang. It was Tony.

"Is it done?" He asked as soon he answer the call.

"Yeah, it took us a while to find his place but the job is done bruh. I'll send the pictures, I also include a video of it."

"Good good. Hey, got good news for you.." He said grinning from ear to ear.


"We're officially a couple now. No more contract bruh. I did it!"

"Woah! You did it! So you are officially a married man now dude!"

"Yeah, can't put words to it. It just feels so perfect."

They talk for a few moments and after that, he took a glimpse of the picture that he sent and the video.

The video only runs for 1 minute. But it only shows Louis already unconscious and covered with his blood. Shean drags him by the leg while Tony is taking the video and they put him on the couch. There's a tape around his mouth and both of his hands are tied up at the back. They took a selfie with the body while holding booze in their hands.


Back in the hospital, Harry and Niall's mom are patiently waiting outside in the operation room. After 3 hours of agonizing, the operation is successful. And they put him back in the room. They're waiting for him to wake up to inform him of the successful operation of his knee.

They immediately stood up when he slowly moved as he open his eyes.


It took a second before his gaze become settled. Then a small smile form on his lips.

"Harry. Mom." He murmured.

The happiness that they felt when they can finally see him talk is beyond words. His mother can't help but cry while hugging his son in the bed. He too shed tears in front of his friend. They all felt relieved that he is out of danger now.

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