Chapter 37

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Harry is been having a hard time sleeping for the past 2 days

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Harry is been having a hard time sleeping for the past 2 days. And the reason for this is because he's been thinking about Louis ever since he confessed to him 3 days ago. His thought can't stop thinking about whether he will try to go out with him and give it a try. Especially that he is willing to be the father of his child. Louis was right, that in his situation right now, the divorce and his pregnancy that he's facing, he really needs someone beside him for support. He can't do this alone. And Louis was there to give the support that he needed.

The marriage that he had with Zayn cannot be saved anymore. Zayn already moved on and already given up on him.

But for some reason, he can't sign the annulment papers that he is holding in his hand. It's almost 2 months now that he hasn't seen him. And the envelope is still in his room, untouched. The signature of Zayn in the papers indicates that he has already forgotten him. He took a deep breath and grab a pin. This is the last straw that connects him to Zayn. He can't stay like this forever. He is pregnant and he needs to move on for the sake of his child.

He paused when someone knocked on the door.

"Good morning sunshine."

A wide smile forms on his face when Louis is standing holding another bouquet of red roses.

"Morning." Then he hugged him and kiss him on the cheek. He giggle when he saw the shocking face of Louis.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming." He grinned. "I guess this would be a good time to ask for a date?"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Actually, I want to have a simple dinner date with you at my place? Is that okay?"

Louis saw the hesitation in his face. He gently brushes his hand on his head. "It's okay if you don't want to. You can choose where you want to go."

"What're you talking about, of course, it's okay. I would love to." He took the flower in his hand and pulled him inside the house.

That morning, Louis had breakfast in his place and spent time with him in the house. In the afternoon he helped him with the groceries before they went to his place. For the entire day that he is with Louis, he gives himself a chance to know him better and explore his personality which Louis seems to notice. He became sweeter with him and even cooked him food for their dinner that night.

After they had a romantic dinner date on the balcony, they decided to stay there and spend time cuddling each other. Harry leans his back in Louis' chest while his hand is wrapped around his waist and can't stop laughing. Louis is telling him the embarrassing things that happened to him when he was still a kid. And it's just pure hilarious. This is the part that he loved the most being with him because he's the only person that can make him laugh like this. He tilted his head towards him.

"Kiss me you fool."

Instantly he locked the remaining space between their faces and kissed him intensely.

Instantly he locked the remaining space between their faces and kissed him intensely

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His holding him with tenderness. Every time his hands brush on his skin, he can feel his desire for him. He whispered in his ear and called him darling and slowly slide his hands inside his shirt. As he stroked his chest, he can't help but bite his lip. Despite the warmth and his affection for him he still can't help but feel the difference from the touch of Zayn. He shook his head to erase the thought of comparing the two men. Louis looked at him with an intense gaze. Then he slowly took off his shirt while he lay down on the lazy tatami sofa. He gasp when he dive in and buried his face in his chest. He grabbed his hair and moan when he make a slurping sound when he suck his nipples.

This time he makes his own move by giving him a hint to take off his shirt but instead he got surprised when Louis suddenly stops and stood up, giving him back his shirt. He lifted his brow in question.

"Lou, why did you stop?"

He let go a weak chuckle. "I promise to myself not to touch you until you completely fall in love with me. And I told myself that if you finally love me, I will make sure our first night will be special."

He was speechless. And was touched by how strong his reverent for him. He adores him even more.

That night Louis drive him back to his place and again, shared an intimate kiss on his doorstep. Both panting when their lips parted.

"Seriously we need to stop. I don't want to break my promise, so get your ass inside the house before I completely eat you."

Harry giggle and nodded. "Good night."

"Night love.."


The next day morning, Harry prepares breakfast while watching the morning news. Louis will have breakfast in his place again so he prepared a few of Louis's favorite dishes. Then he heard Zayn's name on the TV. His eyes immediately point to the screen.

Flash Report:

The actor and singer Zayn Malik was stabbed three times last night while he went out without his bodyguards and went into a restaurant alone. He was badly wounded and in bad shape. According to the local, the actor looked like he's not in the mood since some of the people is trying to get his autograph and pictures but he just completely ignore them. Then the terrible incident happens in the parking lot when 3 men approach him.

Zayn's father Yaser Malik, released a statement that " Our family is facing a distressing and anguish by what happened to my only son. You may not know but my son is having a difficult time these past 2 months. We ask your prayers and support for this matter."

As for now, we don't have any updates on Zayn's current situation.

As the screen went back to its normal shows, Harry was struck by agitation. He went into panic and rush to grab his phone. His hands are shaking while dialing Trishas number. He can't stop pacing and didn't notice that Louis already entered his house with a troubled face. They stared for a while and immediately discover that they had both seen the news. No words came out in their mouth.

His hand is shaking while holding his phone. Finally, Trisha answered. As soon she pick up the call, she immediately wept and can't make any word. Harry feels like his world stopped right there. He can't feel anything and was scared to open his mouth to ask her.

Louis snatches his phone as he is already in great shock.

"Harry you need to calm down. Let me talk to her."

Louis guides him on the sofa while he's the one talking on the phone. Louis grabs a glass of water and forces him to drink it.

Harry is wheezing while staring at Louis talking on the phone. Louis's face suddenly went distressed and give him a quick look. After a few minutes, he hung up the call.

"We need to go to the hospital now."

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