Chapter 3

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Harry just arrived at his house from his work that afternoon and plans to prepare his things tomorrow since he will be having his part-time job early the next day

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Harry just arrived at his house from his work that afternoon and plans to prepare his things tomorrow since he will be having his part-time job early the next day. As he checks the things in his bag he notices the 2 white envelopes in the coach. He received it the other day, but he forgot to open it.

He grabs the white envelope and got nervous right away when he saw the word 'Notice' written in red at the back of it. He immediately opens it, and the first thing he saw is the name 'Chase Bank & Co. He gasp as he read the message in that letter. His chest can't stop pounding as he saw the amount of debt of the house and the 3 months that the banks gives him to pay the remaining amount.
But what makes him cry reading the letter is when it says that the bank has the right to eject him if there is no full amount deposit within 3 months.

He immediately grabs his phone and dials the bank's customer service. Hoping he can ask for help to extend the allocated months. But it just makes it even worse when the agent explains to him thoroughly. He slowly put the phone down after it was explained to him and weep.

He can't afford to lose the house. If ever the bank will take it away. He will be sleeping in the street for sure.

Living alone, carrying all the burden by himself is tough that sometimes makes him think about what could be his future. For his situation right now, he'll accept whatever job he can get just to get out of this distress.

 For his situation right now, he'll accept whatever job he can get just to get out of this distress

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Mike has been pacing in the living area in Zayn's house. But he's nowhere to be found. He's been waiting for 3 hours now and it's already 1 am. He tries to reach him on his phone, but he won't pick it up, even in his text. He's not worried about the time nor that shithead. But what makes him nervous is, if that jerk is going to do something foolish again that would add another problem with them.

"Damn it, where are you!" He shouted when he still didn't answer the phone. He almost threw it in desperation. But he gasped when he heard someone's car parked outside. He immediately ran to the door to open it.

"Thank God Zayn! Where have--" But he frozen stiff and dropped his phone when he saw the man standing at the door. It's certainly not Zayn.

"Where is he? Where is my son?"

A voice in a deep English accent. An aggravating face looking at him.


Zayn is already tipsy when he decided to stop and go back home. And he just realizes that he left his phone in the car and when he checks it, it was full of Mike's messages and calls. He open the recent one and read it, his eyes widened. He immediately drove back in his place at full speed.

When he arrives, he saw two Range Rover park in front of his house. He stops the car, but, he didn't go out yet, rather he calls Mike. It only takes a second for him to answer his call.

"Where have you been!" He murmured. Trying to quell his voice.

"Is he there?"

"Yes, he's here. You better get your ass over here Zayn. We've got a big problem!"

He turns off his phone. And took a deep breath holding and pressing the wheels on his car.

After a few minutes of staying in the car, he decided to face his father.

When he opens the door, he immediately sees his old man sitting on the sofa and Mike is sitting on the single sofa talking to him. But both turned their heads when they saw him at the door. He clears his throat and tries to act normal.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night, Dad?"

Yaser stared at him for a second and slowly stood up and walked towards him. And with his surprise, a strong solid slap in his face landed on his cheek. It makes him step back. Even Mike at the back was appalled by what he saw.

"I can smell that filthy liquor in your breath.." He said in an angry voice. "You think I don't know everything you've been doing? Do you even realize that you have a mother who always cries every time she hears your name on the TV with those nasty comments?!" He yelled. Eyes looking at him fiercely and his voice echoed across the room. "You've been spending your time doing stupid things, but you don't have time to visit us or your sisters, not even a single call?! And now, another scandal from you smoking crack?!"

When he mentions his mother, guiltiness strikes him. It's been a year since he hasn't talked to them.

"I've had enough of this immature behavior of yours.. This time, it's my turn to put your feet back on the ground and let you remember where you came from."

Zayn paused and stared at his father who gave him a strange look. And for some reason, it gives him a cold shiver.

"Your mother and I arranged a marriage for you. Your sister approved it as well. You will meet her next--"

"No! I will not accept it!"He shouted. He thought his brain suddenly froze by what he heard. Even Mike at the back was shocked, jaw drops when he heard what his father said.

"Too late, it's already been decided.. And who are you to decline when there's nothing you do that makes us proud?"

The words are like a knife that stabs him directly in the chest. "Do you have to say it like that dad.. No matter what I do, you will never be proud of me.. But I'm old enough to choose what I want. I'm not going to accept your proposal. I will talk to mom about this--"

"I already let you choose what you want, Zayn. When you ask for freedom, I give you that and let you study in the US. When you refuse to take over our business, we respected that and let you choose what you want. You wanted to become a singer, we supported you, even if I'm against it. You have it all, but look what you become?"

He feels so hopeless and wordless. He can't defend himself cuz everything his father said is true. But he needs to act fast or else he'll be in a shotgun wedding! He took a glimpse of Mike, standing quietly at the back of his father. He gives him an eye gesture, asking what to say. Both with a panic written on their faces. Then he gives him a gesture with his hands. He immediately gets what Mike tries to say to him.

"Dad, I can't accept it because I already have a fiance.." He lied.

He saw him halt and give him a look. "If you already have a fiance, that's fine with us. But we want to meet her and will decide if we're going to accept her or not.." He said point-blank.

Zayn is out of words. His father is trying to snare him. He can't let him win, there's no way he will marry someone he doesn't know! Then a stupid idea comes rushing into his brain.

"I haven't told you about this dad but.. My fiance is a guy.."

There's a long silence in the room. And the 2 men standing looking like their breath was suddenly wiped away from them.

Mike's eyes widened, slapping a hand on his forehead while staring at him.

"You miserable twat!"

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