Chapter 33

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It's been 2 days that he went back to his place

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It's been 2 days that he went back to his place. 2 days he didn't go out in his house. And 2 days he turn off his phone after that fight in Zayn place. He plans to visit and help Louis with his recovery. But the plan didn't happen. He's been in his bed for 2 days crying his heart out.

He missed him. He hates to admit that, especially the one who left was him. 2 days ago he talked to Mike about the contract, he didn't get a proper answer from him as he could sense that he was surprised by what he asked for. He stood up and took a quick shower before going out. He went and visit Louis.

Louis will be discharged the next day.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Hazz?"

He took a deep breath. "Yes, I've already made up my mind."

"Then why do you look like you regret your decision.?"

"No, I'm not.."

"Sure.." Louis grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it. "I appreciate your concern towards me. But I don't want you to blame yourself. This is not your fault."

"I know, but I can't help it."


He went home past 4 pm and he was standing in front of his house staring at the black GMC car parked near his house. His chest was pounding loudly. He's not ready to face Zayn yet. But he paused when the front seat open and saw who it was. It was Tresha.

Harry and Tresha are sitting on the sofa while he tries to comfort her. "Mom, I'll be fine. Please stop crying.. We just could no longer continue to be together.." He gently rubs his hand on her back.

"Problems are normal to a married couple, Harry. But going far from getting a divorce is not right! Please think about what you're doing! I know my son has a lot of problems but he is willing to adjust and accept his wrongdoing."

He averted his gaze at her. He can't bear to see her crying face. It also hurt him to see her in this state.

"If you only knew of what he did.."

"I can't answer you right now, mom. I'm sorry.."

"Please give him a chance. Talk to him, Harry. My son looked miserable when you left. I have never seen him like that.."

He nodded so he could stop her from crying. They hugged tight.

Tresha stayed there for a couple of minutes before she left. Harry plopped on the floor, back against the wall as he wept as soon as he closed the door. He never thought Zayn could hurt him this much. The pain is unexplainable. He never thought that that cruel man could sweep him off his feet without even trying and take his heart away.

He wiped his tears when he heard someone knock on the door. He stood up and gathered himself together before he opened the door. He can't let Trisha see him like this. But he was shocked when it was him standing at the door.


"How long are you going to do this.. Just stop it already and come back home!"

"I told you, I'm not going back!" Then he tried to shut the door but Zayn kicked it and stormed inside. He grabbed him in the arms and locked his face as he forcefully kissed him. Harry shoved him and slaps him in the face. He's catching his breath while looking at his burn-up cheek.

"I don't want to fight with you. I just want to end this and you coming home." His voice becomes weaker as he looked at him with longing in his eyes.

"You think I want this? I don't want to fight with you either because I'm tired of it

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"You think I want this? I don't want to fight with you either because I'm tired of it. And your Mom visited me earlier and I hate to see her looking hurt from all of this. But I can't forgive you. Those cruel things you've done to my friends and all the lies is too much.." Voice quivering as he looked down. "I felt so guilty and sorry for them. You can't change my mind. I've already made my decision."

There's a long silence before Zayn spoke.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for what I did for hurting your friends. I'm a person who's not good at handling my anger because you give me feeling that I can't put in to words. I can talk to Louis and your friend and ask for forgiveness if that's what you want."

"It's too late for that. The damage is already been done."

"How about I'll take care of all the expenses. I'll give them money and.. And.."

Harry can tell Zayn is trying to control his emotion. As he can see his breathing deeply and could see the rise and fall of his chest. He's desperate to have him back but got the feeling of losing him right there.

"Please just stop.. Your behavior and that awful temper of yours are the reason you nearly killed someone. Louis still looks at you as his brother and cousin. He canceled all police investigations because he is thinking about your parents. Do you know that Louis looked up to you? You are his idol and inspiration. But you don't know that, because you won't give him a chance.. And what makes it worse is you put me the reason behind all the cruel things you did to them." He wipes his tears and points at the door. "Now will you get out of my house please?"

"Am I not worthy of a chance here?" He tries to reach his arms but Harry averted. "I'm trying to save my marriage with you, Harry."

It took all his strength to stay calm and won't break down in front of him. He steps back away from him and look away. "I've already made up my mind, how many times do I have to tell you that."

Zayn clenches his teeth and punches the wall in desperation. "You won't accept my apologies and you won't give me a chance! What do you want me to do?!"

"I want you out of my life for good!"

It was a big blow to Zayn. Harry knew he went too far and was driving him up the wall. He saw the pain in his eyes and despair.

Zayn knew he could no longer have this man in his arms again. No matter what he says or does his mind is already close to any chances that he could save their marriage. He took 1 step behind.

"You really hate me that much? Are you just going to throw away what we had? Those words you said to me, and the promise you told me? When I decided to void the contract, I'm beginning to picture myself and my future with you. I said to myself if everything will be gone today I don't give a shit cuz I have you.. I already accept my mistake and I regretted it. And just like that, you easily want me out of your life? Do you know what wreck that would be for me?" He gave a weak and painful smile. And run a hand through his hair. "I love you Harry, and I won't force myself with you anymore. But I want you to know, that you're the part of me that I always need. This will be the last time you will ever see me again.. I think you already said what you want to say."


Note: Mature content ahead. Please be guided. Viewer discretion advised. 💚💛

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