Chapter 8

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"What d'you expect? your crush walk towards you and try to have a conversation?" Zayn said smirking at the crowd making them all laugh

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"What d'you expect? your crush walk towards you and try to have a conversation?" Zayn said smirking at the crowd making them all laugh. "I was trying to keep it cool, y'know, and trying to look cool in front of him.." another loud giggle from the crowd.

"We're thinking the same thing.."Harry added. "We're trying to keep it cool for 20 minutes!" Everyone laugh. "But I ended up telling him that I like him first!" He exclaimed and added it with a timid giggle to make it more convincing. And everyone is smiling with heart-eyes while looking at both of them.

"How long have you been together, Z?" Louis asked.

"Running 2 years and going strong," Harry answered. This is also in the script where he will kiss Zayn on the cheek.

So he turned around and gave him a swift kiss on the cheek. Zayn smiled at him and he smiled back. Showing both of their faces how happy they are with each other. But in reality, they are just pleased with how the fake show is going smoothly. Until someone raises a question that they are not prepared to answer and not in the script.

"2 years were already long enough. Do you have any plan for the future, like marriage, perhaps?" One of his uncles asked.

Immediately Zayn's eyes landed on his father who was looking at him and waiting for his answer. He can feel Harry getting stiffer by the question but still manage to hide it. He tries to look for Mike but he can't find him. There was almost a minute of silence before his father took over and stood up.

"I'll answer that, Asad. Thank you." Yaser said before facing everyone. "At first, I'm reluctant when Zayn informs me about his fiancé, because.. As all of you know, I already have someone that I choose for my son, but.." Yaser paused and turned around to give a short glimpse of Harry. "Mr. Styles here has all the qualities that I'm looking for. He is a hard-working and family-oriented person. And now that I found out that he's been with my son for 2 years, that just added to the list. So yes! There will be a marriage for both of these gentlemen. Does everyone agree?"

His mother and his 3 sisters are the first people who stood up. Clapping their hands as a sign of agreement of what his father announced. And soon everyone follows and congratulated them. His mother went towards them with a wide smile on her face and gave them both a tight hug and whisper in Harry's ears: Welcome to the family dear!"

Harry and Zayn were silent, standing stiffly in front of everyone, looking like they were struck by lightning and stupid while having a frozen smile on their faces.

Just a while ago, their acting and the show that they performed was going perfectly smooth. Then just a snap of a finger, it changed and now they're about to get married!

Harry can feel his sweating hand as he steals a glance at Zayn. When his mother let go of them, he secretly whispered at him.

"Marriage? Is this in the contract?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Zayn whispered in panic underneath that fake smile without looking at him. His mood changes quickly. "You think I'm aware of this?! Just keep it cool, I paid you for this!"

Harry got startled but can feel in Zayn's face a great panic. And it's the first time he saw it. He can sense it in his voice too. But who can blame him? He's also in the same state as him. Everything turns different now and they are not prepared. His parents accepted him wholeheartedly, which makes it even worse. He wants Zayn to say something to his father before it's going to be too late but watching at his parents and everyone looking like he's already part of the family makes it hard, to tell the truth!

"Your father just announced that we're going to get married?! Are we--"

"Why would I marry a person like you?! "

He paused. Zayn is right, they've just met a week ago. And hardly talk to each other. Even if he's a celebrity, he still doesn't know him. And obviously, he's not one of his fans.

Harry doesn't have a choice but to play along with Zayn, for now. He understands that it is not the right time to hinder their excitement, especially to his father who looks so content about everything that happened.

But both Zayn and Harry have already gotten tense throughout the party. They are no longer in their usual self, especially Zayn. He looks uncomfortable and pissed. While he tried to keep his cool. He makes sure that he can still do the job that they are paying him for.

After the party that evening, Zayn just found out that all of them booked a room in the Grand Hilton Hotel

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After the party that evening, Zayn just found out that all of them booked a room in the Grand Hilton Hotel. Zayn tried to let his parents and his siblings stay in his place so he can spend more time with them after the party, but his parents has a conference that they needs to attend in the hotel the next day. And his 3 sisters will be staying with them too.

"Why you didn't tell me about this, Mom? We already prepared your rooms.." Zayn frowned. He's anxious to talk to them that night, especially his father. Their other relatives went already to the hotel. He wants to tell them the truth without the other people around.

His mother chuckled. "What's wrong Zayn? You talk like you haven't been away from us." She walks towards him and gives him a tight hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Harry is at the back standing and smiling. And he admits, Zayn's parents are very sweet. They're nice to him too.

Safaa interrupts. "Don't worry bro, we'll be staying here for a week. Doniya and I are planning to look for a good theme for your upcoming wedding.." She said with a wide smile on her face.

Zayn wants to cut her off and tell them the truth right there while they are standing at the front door. It will be a good opportunity since they're the only ones in the house now. But before he can even open his mouth, his father walks towards him and did something that he never expected and experienced from him again.

Yaser hugged him tight and gently tapped his back. "I know I become a bit hard on you this past year, but I want you to know.. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything in this world that a parent wants, but to see their child getting married to the right person.. I'll be happy to walk in the aisle for your wedding day, son.."

And just like that, all the words that he prepared for them, so he can tell them the truth before the sunrise tomorrow, immediately sink in and fade away in his thoughts.

Even Harry at the back was touched by his fathers' actions and words. He was tongue-tied while looking at them with his soft expression.

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