Chapter 6

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As Sir Malik instructed him yesterday, he went back to his house early the next day

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As Sir Malik instructed him yesterday, he went back to his house early the next day. But the guards didn't let him in and he's already been waiting for 2 hours outside. They said there is an interview going on inside, he also saw a lot of people and cars in the house. There is also a tracked van with a big letter written on its body, saying BBC TV INC. he doesn't have a choice but to wait outside and decided to sit at the gutter near the gate. He hasn't taken his breakfast but good thing he brought a loaf of bread with peanut butter and a bottle of water with him. But he immediately transfers to the other side of the road when one of the guards tries to send him away. Thinking he is one of the stalkers of Mr. Malik and loitering in the area.

To be straight, he doesn't know who's Zayn Malik when he first meets him. He doesn't have any social media or T.V in the house. He also doesn't have the latest phone that people usually use today, what he has is the old model of Nokia keypad phone. Unfortunately, he can't afford any of those. But luckily, Joan told him who the guy is.

Suddenly his phone rings. He picks it up.

"Where have you been? I told you to be early!"

He stood upright away when he heard him. "I'm sorry Sir, but I'm outside right now waiting, but the guards won't let me in--"

"Alright wait there--''

Then the line got cut off. Within 5 minutes he saw one of the guards approach him and tell him to get inside.

There are still few crews and other staff from BBC in Zayn's house when he went inside. Then another guard approached him, telling him to go upstairs to the master bedroom. He's holding his backpack tight as he went upstairs. For some reason he got nervous. Just like yesterday, when Zayn talks to him up close. He got conscious all of a sudden and felt small in front of him.

He took a deep breath before he knocked on the door and he went inside. There, he saw the same tall man yesterday holding a laptop standing near the desk, staring at him from head to toe. Beside him is none other than Zayn Malik sitting and also looking at him. He immediately felt awkward. He can't count how many times he gulps before he can manage to greet them.


Both men interchange their glances like they're having this hidden conversation about him. There's a long silence in the room while he's standing near the door looking uncomfortable and stupid. The two men are exploring him secretly.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Mike, I'm his personal assistant.." Mike paused again and couldn't help but to give another look at the man in front of him. He doesn't know what to say about him. But in their situation right now, they don't have time to be picky since they only have a week left.

"I will be the one to explain to you exactly what job we are offering to you. But before we proceed, I would like you to read this first. This is your policy and our contract.."

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