Chapter 18

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"Hey, Mom

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"Hey, Mom." He immediately answers the call and tried to make his voice lively.

"Hey dear! How are you? Are you doing something? Am I disturbing you or something..?"

He smiled. "Oh no Mom-- I'm just.. W-watching TV.."

"Good cuz I'm actually planning to visit this week. Wahliya and I plan to visit you two if that's okay?"

He gulps. "Y-yes of course, Mom! I mean.. I-I don't see why not.."

Louis stood up and slowly walk behind Harry while he's talking to Trisha on the other line.

"M-maybe he's busy?.. Yeah, I'll tell him about it.. Sure! .. Okay Mom see you soon.."

Harry's face is showing the discomfort and the stress again. Louis knew he can't tell her what Zayn has been doing to him.

"Are you going back..?" He asked after he put the phone down and turn around to face him.

Harry looked at him with his teary eyes. He nodded. "Louis again, I'm going to say this, thank you for helping me.. But I need to be back early tomorrow..''

He didn't let Harry finish as he gives him a tight hug. "I know you don't want me to get evolved with your problem with Zayn. But I'm already into this. And don't worry, I'm not going to do anything that you won't like.. However, if you need me, I'm always here and ready to help you.."

He nodded as he slowly unwrapped his arms around him.

"Thank you, Lou.."


Early the next day, Harry decided not to wait for Louis and just took a cab going back to Zayn's place. Louis plans to give him a ride, but he doesn't trust the two men to meet up. A fight because of him is the last thing he want's to happen.

It's 6 am when he left the house going back to Zayn's place. When he arrived the 3 guards immediately open the gate and give him a distinct look. He ignores it since he knew why they are looking at him like that.

That night when he runs off, the guards were there and saw him running away with ripped clothes.

When he went inside. It gives him a jolt to see the house looks filthy. There are no lights, the kitchen looks like trash was dumped in there and the living area is full of empty pizza boxes and countless can of beers. The house looks totally messed up with an unexplainable disgusting smell!

He groaned. "What happened in here.." He immediately went upstairs to his room and change. Zayn's parents will be here tomorrow morning and he needs to do an intensive cleaning in the house.

And that's actually what he did. He cleans up the kitchen first which took him 2 hours. Then he went into the living area then the bathroom and other areas of the house. And around 11 am he was able to clean everything.

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