Chapter 28

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Harry left early the next morning and went straight to the hospital where Niall's is staying

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Harry left early the next morning and went straight to the hospital where Niall's is staying. And when he saw him with apparatus in his chest and countless wounds, cuts in his body, he burst into tears. His face was swollen and he could no longer be recognized due to bandages. He also needs to be put on oxygen, since he got 2 broken ribs. Niall's mother is also in the room and they hugged each other trying to find comfort. He asked what exactly happened but his mother doesn't know the whole story.

"I don't know what happened but he suddenly called me in the middle of the night. He was crying and asking for help. He told me a 2 man is following him and the last thing he remembers is something hit him in the head. And when he woke up, he is already tied up in an abandoned train station. And the 2 drunk men bit him up, he tries to talk to them but they're too drunk to listen to his pleading. He said they were talking to someone on the phone while the other man is recording a video at him."

"I don't remember Niall has an enemy in his work."

The doctor came in and explained to them the case of Niall. Luckily, the broken ribs he got are not too serious but he still needs to undergo some treatment. However, the serious part is his two legs. He will undergo 2 operations for it and a month of medication. And between those days, he needs to be in a wheelchair. Harry stayed there until the afternoon, and before he went back to the house he informed Niall's mother that he will visit them every day.


Meanwhile, in Zayn's place, he received a surprise celebration party from his crew in the house including his close friends. Also, the two men who he paid last night for the job he asked for.

"What's this?" He asked. Smiling widely as he opened the door and found his friends holding a two-layer of cake, a bunch of balloons, and numerous buckets of beer. His crew is at the back also holding a different type of booze. He opened the door and let them in.

"This is for your successful tour! Next will be in Asia, so expect another party like this!" Tony exclaimed.

As soon as everyone was inside, they went all over the place, and within just a minute the party started, everyone was already starting drinking and dancing to the loud music. While Zayn and Tony standing in the infinity pool watching all the ladies swimming and wearing tiny bikinis.

"So where's your wife?" Tony asked.

"He went and visited that jerk in the hospital. That guy's mom called him last night and told him what happened. Shit, I don't want him to go but it'll be obvious if I'll stop him. Who broke that guy's legs anyway?"

Tony laughed as he gulped his tequila. "It was Shean, not me! You know that guy, he got this fuckin' weird bipolar personality. He smashed that guy's knee with a baseball bat dude!" They both laughed. "So fucking hilarious!"

Zayn's smile slowly faded while staring at the door. His mood changes instantly when he sees who just entered.

"Who invited him here?"

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