Chapter 13

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At 7 am, Harry is already fully awake

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At 7 am, Harry is already fully awake. But he was still in his room, sitting at the edge of his bed. Staring at the window overlooking the Lamborghini owned by none other than Zayn. Wondering why it's still there when he is supposedly out at this hour already as what he usually does.

"I don't want to see him right now.."

He's having a silent argument with his mind whether he'll go down or stay in the room and wait for him to leave. He sighs.

"Darn it.. Why do I have to see it anyway.."

He plopped on his bed and decided to wait for him to leave. He closed his eyes and waited. But it's past an hour now and the car is still there. He took a glance at his watch it's almost 9 am. He stood up and face the window again.

But he nearly jumps out of the window when he heard a knock. He immediately felt cold shivers all over. Of course, he knows who it is. There are only two people in this house!

"How long are you going to stay there?! I'm fuckin hungry!"

He took a deep breath before he walks towards the door and open it. From the moment the door opens, their eyes intersect. He immediately averted his gaze.

"S-sorry, I'll prepare the meal right away.." He said without looking at him. And he walks past him.

Zayn just stared at him and didn't say any word while they walk in the hallway going down to the kitchen. His walking behind Harry. His fidgeting is so evident that it makes him look cramped. He knows the reason why. He can't help but grimace.

"Interesting.. I wonder if he has a good sleep last night after what he saw.."

Harry immediately went to the kitchen and started cooking. He saw Zayn plopped on the sofa and turn the T. V while waiting for the meal. The same sofa where he saw him lying down last night with the two women. His eyes are secretly searching for the two ladies, but there's no indication that they're still in the house. He feels relieved. But still feel uneasy around Zayn. Especially when he acts as nothing happened. He doesn't want to think he's the only one affected by it.

After a few minutes, he places the food on the table and told Zayn that it's ready. He took off his apron and was about to go upstairs.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not hungry yet... So I'll just take a shower first.." He replied. Still unable to look him in the eye.

Zayn stared at him for a minute trying to evaluate if he's telling the truth. Then he shook his head.

"No. Sit. Will talk. You can take a bath after." He said with an authority in his tone.

He slowly walks towards the table like a snail. But he grabs the chair and sat on it. He's sitting beside Zayn on the dining table looking down.

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