Chapter 9

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It's 5 am and the 3 men are standing in the living area

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It's 5 am and the 3 men are standing in the living area. Both with an unsettled look on their faces. Zayn was sitting on the sofa facepalm and had already been silent for a couple of minutes. While Harry was still wearing his Gucci suit last night and was unable to get a good sleep due to an unexpected event. He was supposed to go back to his place today and get his paycheck but that did not happen. And right now, they are trying to find a way to get out of this misconception without telling everyone the truth but not getting married at the same time. Mike is standing at the counter holding his fourth glass of whiskey, distraught is all over his face.

Harry is also standing near the glass door waiting for their decision. Right now, after what happened, money is no longer his most concern, but what would happen to them. It makes him think about why he ended up in a situation like this. After a few minutes of silence, Mike moves closer to Zayn.

"I've run out of ideas, Zayn.." He paused and drank his whiskey in one gulp. "There's only one option left and that is to tell them the truth. I know it's hard, but what choice do we have? "He said in his desperate voice. He knew that this would be a big problem for them.

Zayn sighed and brought his palm in his face and brushed it miserably. He stood up and went to the counter to grab his glass of whiskey.

"I know, I was about to tell them the truth last night but.." He stared at the glass in his hand. "It was the first time in a long time that my father hugged me like that and talked to me like that. He looks very happy and my mom.." He sigh and took a sip in his whiskey. "My mom.. Looking at her like that, I can't possibly.. It will devastate her.."

Harry can't help but stare. It is written all over his face that he regretted everything that he did. Creating such a lie to his family. And that makes him guilty too for helping him and what worse is accepting it just because of the money. Without thinking about the consequences.

"We're on the same page here, guys.. I feel regret for doing this.. If only I knew this will happen.." Mike said in his weak voice.

Harry joins the conversation. "Zayn, let's go and tell your parents. I will come with you and if you can't talk to them in front, then I'll talk to them instead.."

"No, I created this.. I'll talk to them.. "

"I understand that this is very hard on you Zayn, but make sure you can fix this today. Before this will be out in public.. Because if that will happen and they found out that everything is fake, this will not just be the biggest scandal for this year, but a humiliation to your family.."

And it hit him hard when Mike said that to him. Making him realize what huge damage this will be with his family. And Harry and Mike saw the sudden change in his face that turned into fear. The last thing he wants to happen is to put his family in that situation. He has always been private when it comes to his family.

That afternoon Zayn plans to visit the hotel to talk to his parents and end this lie once and for all, but Mike advises him to stay in the house and he'll just get a private car to pick them up in the hotel. His latest scandal about that party is still ongoing in the media. So he still needs to avoid the paparazzi. While waiting for them to arrive, Zayn is practicing his speech and of course, Mike helps him while Harry is also doing his part and creating his apology speech.

Then Mike pauses when his phone rings. It's Clifford on the other line.

"W'zup bruh?"

"Are you watching T.V right now?"

Mike scowl when his voice is frantic in the other line. "No, I'm in Zayn's place. Why, what's going on?"

"Good. Cuz I'm about to punch that guy! Turn on your T.V and explain to me what the hell is going on!" His voice is so loud that even Harry and Zayn turn their heads towards him when he heard Clifford's voice on the phone.

He immediately grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. The screen shows the CNN flash news and the reporter is talking about an article of Zayn Malik. (A photo of him inserted in the left side of the screen with a title: The upcoming nuptials of Heartthrob Zayn Malik is confirmed by his family!)

 (A photo of him inserted in the left side of the screen with a title: The upcoming nuptials of Heartthrob Zayn Malik is confirmed by his family!)

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All of them have the same reaction, their jaw fell to the floor. While Mike drops his phone staring at the screen. After a few minutes of shock, Zayn spoke in his quivering voice.

"Holy shit.." Zayn murmured. "How.. Who.. Fuck tell me this is not happening.." He asked in a shaking voice, eyes are still staring at the screen.

While Harry, on the other hand, feels like all his blood went to his head. And for the first time in his life, he wants to grab the bottle of whiskey on the counter and drink it straight from the bottle.

Zayn shook his head. "No. I can't tell them the truth, Mike. The whole world already knows it!" Zayn exclaimed. "I rather continue this lie, than put my entire family in shame for all the people to know!"

"We're already too late. This is exactly what I told you earlier.." Mike uttered. He already knows what will happen next.

Harry's gaze is leaping between them while standing stiffly in the corner. "W-what do you mean..?"

Both of them stared at him. Suddenly he can feel tense. He can read what's on their mind, but he refuses to accept it. Mike is the one who approached him.

"Change of plan, Harry. Don't worry everything is going to be alright, but right now, we'll just have to ride with the flow. This is just for now.."

Harry blink twice and shook his head before he carry on. "Is the marriage going to happen?" He can't almost hear his voice.

"Yes, but the contract is still effective. That means this so-called marriage is only for 2 months. And after that, you'll get divorced. And before you know it, you'll be back to your normal life!"

Mike is trying to give him a positive vibe but getting married like this is too much for him to take. Zayn can see his discord, it's all drawn up over his pale face! So before he can even say something, Zayn already shut him off.

"You don't have a choice, Harry. Everyone knows it's you. My whole family saw you. It won't take a while for the paparazzi to find out your identity. So you better get along with the plan.."

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