Chapter 19

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That same day, Harry told Zayn about his Mom planning to visit them tomorrow

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That same day, Harry told Zayn about his Mom planning to visit them tomorrow. And that afternoon Zayn called Mike and apologize for his behavior for the past few days. And as expected, he receives an infuriating piece of word coming from Mike.

He can tell, Zayn received a lot of outrage from the people he spoke to on the phone which he spent 3 hours straight on. He is at the back of the house doing the laundry and he can clearly see him on his patio pacing constantly holding his phone with a troubled face.

That's also where he receives a call from Louis. Asking how he was and if everything is alright. He told him that they have already talked and Zayn apologized to him. It took a few minutes before Louis responded to him.

"Lou? You there?"

"Y-yeah I'm here.. Good for you Harry, I'm glad to hear that.." He cleared his throat. "S-so I guess you're going to be busy tomorrow.?"

"Yeah, I need to do some groceries since we are actually empty.." He slightly chuckles while he opens the three-door fridge.

They spent more minutes talking on the phone before they said goodbye.

"Thank you for checking me up, Lou.. You too.. Bye.." He still has a wide smile on his face when he puts the phone down. But he came to a stop when he saw Zayn already standing near the counter behind him. Then his gaze went to his phone that he was holding, then went back to him. He thought he saw a gleam of rage in his eyes, but it was too quick that he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. He shrugged it off.

"D'you know what time they'll be here tomorrow?"

"No, she didn't tell me, but I'll be doing groceries tomorrow morning. Do you have any requests for tomorrow's dinner?" He smiled at him.

"Yeah, how about you include Chicken Tikka Masala?" He smiled back.

He nodded. "Sure!"


The next day, Harry went to the groceries early so he could still prepare the food before Zayn's parents arrived. And before 7 am, Zayn was already up and taking a morning coffee near the infinity pool while reading the report of his friends about Harry. The investigator also included the time when he ran away and didn't go home for 2 days. And it gives him an irk notion knowing that Louis was involved. Everything about Harry is in the report, including his family background, from his jobs to his circle of friends. That's also where he knew the reason why he accepted their offer to him. While reading the email, he got disrupted by a knock on the door. He went and opened it and was shocked to see it was his mother and Safaa.

"Mom, Issy! You're earlier than we expected!" He gives a wide smile and hugs them tight.

"Yeah, well, I miss you bro and I miss Harry too!"

"Where is Harry, hon?" Trisha asked while looking around. Holding her bag tightly in both hands.

"He's doing groceries. We thought you would be here later today. He's actually planning to cook you a special dinner tonight." He said while his eyes landed on her bag that she's gripping tightly.

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