Chapter 16 (Mature+)

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Harry still has a wide smile on his face when he opens the front door

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Harry still has a wide smile on his face when he opens the front door. And the gloomiest in the living area gives him a bit of fright. But what he didn't expect is the shade of a person sitting on the couch holding a cigarette in his hands. He halts and tries to stare at it and it took him a second to recognize that it's Zayn.

"Where have you been?" Zayn asked. Voice is forbidding as always but becomes more transparent.

Harry immediately felt uneasy. He never heard him sound like that. And he thought he's not at home yet.

He was tongue-tied. The place is dark, only the light from outside gives a small gleam from where Zayn is sitting, but his enraged gaze is so evident that it makes him uncomfortable. He jolts when Zayn stood up and slowly walks towards him. He slowly steps back.

"I'm asking you a question.."

"I-I went to the mall.. To buy something for my friend and we--"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" Zayn yelled and it echoed in the entire house.

Harry drop the box that he brought for Joan. And for a minute he thought everything stop. He has never seen him like this. He keeps on walking toward him while clenching his hands. He stops a few inches away from him. He could no longer step back as he had already reached the wall. He is so close that he can smell his cigarettes in his mouth.

"Zayn, what's wrong? D-did I do anything?" He manages to ask in his trembling voice.

"At first, I thought I just pick up a mere low-class person to play this pathetic role.. But what I never thought is your also a person who spread his legs to anyone.." He said in his heavy breath while giving him a laser look.

Harry got confused. "W-what? I don't understand what you're trying to say.."

Zayn suddenly punches the wall just a few inches away from Harry's face. And the strong strike makes him cover his face. There's a few seconds of silence before Zayn shouted at him again.

"Stop acting you're fuckin innocent! I don't play that shit!"

"What did I do?!" He shouted back.

"I saw you yesterday with another man! And now you have gone out with my cousin?!" Zayn exclaimed in his clenching teeth. "Tell me, how does it feel fucking different guy and acting so innocent at the same time, huh?" He ground out through clenched teeth while peering over his chin. If a look can kill, he has already been dead right there.

"You got this all wrong Zayn I--"

"Does it really feel good screwing my cousin? Tell me, how did you do it? Did you give him head?! Did you kneel in front of him?!"

Zayn snap and could no longer control his anger. His words and his mouth are out of control. This is the first time that he felt so miserable and furious for no valid reason. But it's like he's looking at a mirror, seeing the things he's been doing. And he hates it.

"Tell me how many times he fuck--"

A slap on his cheek came from him. He wheezes as he stared at him holding his hand that just landed in Zayn's face a few seconds ago.

"D-don't forget, we only meet less than a month.. We hardly know each other and even talk to each other.. And you already accused me of sleeping with someone. I'm not the one who brought 2 women in the house!"

Zayn's eyes are blazing with anger ten times than before. And just like a slow-motion, his head slowly turns towards him.

"Still acting like a virgin. As if I'm gonna buy that.. You can't fool me.."


He gasps when Zayn suddenly grabs his shirt and yanks it, tearing it off. Exposing his chest.

"Zayn stop!"

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"Zayn stop!"

Everything is blurry and his mind just completely shut down. The only thing he can hear is the echo of his anger circling his notion. Banging his thoughts and it drives him crazy. He is so furious that he didn't know what to do.

Harry is already crying in front of him. His hands are trying to cover and stop his own vigorous hands. He is screaming while saying something, but he can't hear it.

When Zayn manages to hold his both hands, he pulls him forcefully which causes Harry to fall on his knees to the ground. But Zayn didn't stop, he haul him to the ground gripping his wrist. He then tosses him on the sofa.

"No! Zayn please!"

He immediately went on top of him and hold his hand above his head.

"You think you can get away from me?!" He shouted while tussling each other as Harry is trying to fight him back but he slowly losing his strength.

"No! don't please!"

"Don't you get it?! I always get what I want!"

He went to his jeans and forcefully try to remove them.

Harry felt the horror is slowly engulfing him when he realize Zayn had no intention of stopping and now he's trying to strip him off. Zayn pulls his hair and pushes his head on the sofa. The ache coming from his grip is intolerable. He screams in pain.

In his quick move, Zayn pulls off his Jeans down to his knees. He then flips him over, pushing his face against the sofa. He mumbles while screaming his heart out.

His face is drenched with his tears and his whole body is shaking in fear when he heard Zayn unbuckle his jeans.

Zayn spread Harry's legs while pressing his head against the sofa. After removing his jeans, he swiftly tries to enter him. Without doing any preparation.

He can feel Harry's trembling body and scream when he tries to push it deeper. But before he can even manage to enter the entire tip of his cock, he already saw blood dripping from Harry's legs.

It's like someone just dips him a bucket of ice when he saw the blood and realizes that Harry is a virgin. He immediately jump and steps back as he stared at him. Completely shocked by what he found out.

"No fucking way.."

As soon Zayn let go of him. Harry immediately crawls on the ground, desperately trying to get away from him. He gripped his jeans while pulling them up. When he's already close to the door, he slowly stood up and run outside.

Harry can't see as his tears keep falling to his cheeks. He is blinded by his tears and feels so disoriented. Looking so miserable, his shirt was ripped off, and his barefoot. But he doesn't care. The only thing in his mind right now is to get away with that man. He's running towards the gate.

Then he went into a panic again when he heard Zayn's car approaching. He went into the bushes and hide. His heart is pounding while his tears can't stop falling from his eyes.

The first person that came into his mind was Louis. He took his phone and dialed his number right away. With his shaking hands and trembling voice, he tries to talk in the other line. Asking for help.

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