Chapter 12 (Mature+)

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The entire family stayed in Zayn's place after the wedding and they went back to Bradford after 2 days

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The entire family stayed in Zayn's place after the wedding and they went back to Bradford after 2 days. Luckily, Mike is always there to help him with everything since Zayn is no longer showing any interest. Especially after the marriage, Zayn gets worst and slowly shows his frustration to everyone.

For 2 days that Zayn's parents stayed in the house, Mike transferred him upstairs and let him stay in the room close to Zayn so they can hide him and pretend that they are staying in the same room. And it works.

Harry is already awake and it's still 5 am. He drank hot choco in the kitchen while holding and staring at the itinerary ticket for a week in Negril Jamaica for their honeymoon. It's a gift from Safaa for their wedding but last night he saw Zayn throw it in the bin. He secretly picks it up.

He sighed and thought it's a waste to just throw this away. He knows that they're not going in this place but somehow, he's hoping they'll use it just for vacation purposes. He planned to just give the tickets to Joan.

After drinking his hot choco, he plans to prepare an early breakfast that morning. And at around 8 am he already placed the food on the table. He also makes extra's just in case Mike will come over. But he paused when he saw Zayn going down from the stairs. And by the look of it, he'll be going out again today. His gaze followed him going to the door.

Zayn just gives him an uninteresting quick look and just proceeds on walking at the door without saying anything.

"Guess I'll be alone again in this huge house.." He murmured.

It's been like this for 2 days now since his parents went back to Bradford. He was always left in the house alone. The only thing that makes him enjoy the house is by cleaning and taking care of the garden. But he already started to get bored.

He knew that Zayn will be away for the entire day and come back very late at night. And sometimes he was already asleep when he arrived.

But that night is different and Harry was not prepared for what his going to encounter and experience. He's about to discover the dark side of Zayn.

It's 11 pm and Harry is already in bed when he heard a car park. He saw Zayn's car in the driveway and notice 2 ladies wearing a very provocative dress going out in the car. Harry thought that it might be his visitors. So he change his pajamas and went out. Thinking that Zayn might need help to prepare some food and drinks for his guests, not think about the time.

But before he can even reach the stairs, he already heard weird voices downstairs. He paused and frowned. The voice came from the 2 females and they sounded like they are in groaning. He's not sure if they are talking or whispering.

"Maybe they turn on the T.V.." He thought and continue walking.

But he gasps and immediately halts in his spot. Frozen stiffly as his eyes widened. He is standing at the top of the staircase, facing the living area downstairs where the long sofa is located. He is very evident in his spot since the sofa is facing directly at the stairs.

He immediately got goosebumps when he saw 3 naked bodies on the couch. Zayn is lying on the sofa completely naked, while another naked woman is riding him. The other woman is also kissing him while he stroking her breast.

Zayn mumbled while sucking her breast and she moan when he grabbed her ass and squeeze it

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Zayn mumbled while sucking her breast and she moan when he grabbed her ass and squeeze it. Diane who's on top of him grinding and thrusting her hips in a circling motion and adding it up is her seductive moan. It makes him even hornier.

Harry feels like his throat suddenly went dry while his eyes can't stop staring at them. It's like his legs were nailed to the floor. He can't move. His body is too shocked that it refuses to listen to what's his head dictates. He wants to turn around and run away and go back to his room, but for some reason, his body won't listen and he was standing there, eyes wide open.

Then he feels like someone drop a bomb in front of him when Zayn saw him. Their eyes meet. They stare for a minute then two. No one is letting go, he wants to avert his gaze but he feels like he's been hypnotized.

Then he saw him smirk at the corner of his lips as he glare at him. He's not even stopping. Instead, he pulls the woman's hair and kisses her on the lips using only their tongue. Locking his gaze to him and with his sideways grin.

"How far can you stare us.." Is the message Harry can read in his eyes.

He lifted his brow as he stick his tongue between his teeth looking straight at him. Then he grabbed the woman's waist on top of him and shove it harder on her than she thrust her chest. She screams in pleasure when he continues pushing her. He can even hear the sound it creates when he pumps her.

"Yes fuck! Harder! Harder baby! Feels soo good Zayn!!"

Finally, the woman's voice makes him wake up. He immediately turns around and walks as fast as he can going back to his room. He leans his back at the door as he feels his chest pumping.

He doesn't know what just happened. He's fully aware that this is all fake. 'That' reality didn't disappear in his system for not even a minute.

"..all I need is respect.."

His business is his. He's got nothing to do with it. But the fact that he's in this house, at least, he can give him a bit of respect. That 'thing' should only be done on closed doors. What he did earlier makes him think that he's just a sore in this house, not worthy of any type of courtesy.

He's not ashamed to admit, he never had any relationship before. Not even once, hence, his first kiss was 4 days ago at their wedding. But it may sound old fashion to everyone, but he wants his first to be from the person he'll grow old with.

He wipe his tears and went back to his bed. While laying in the bed, his mind is thinking how can he face him tomorrow. But he's pretty sure he'll be alone again in the house, same old routine. He sigh.

"This is only for 2 months.. just have to endure it..

Countless tossing and turning on the bed before he was able to sleep.

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