Chapter 31

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GMA News Live:

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GMA News Live:

-- A young entrepreneur from 53 West 53 condo, has been brutally attacked and been badly wounded by 2 unknown man who was able to enter the premises. According to the guards who were on call that time. They were able to get a pass and by the look of the two men, they do not look suspicious, they move and talk like they know the place. However, the victim was found just in time and now is in the hospital. Doctors have not yet confirmed the state of the victim.


Harry is sitting near the bed of Louis in a private room at the hospital. Holding his hands tightly, tears can't seem to stop from falling. 3 days ago he was like this when Niall was also attacked. When he heard the news of what happened to Louis, he immediately told Zayn, and he agreed to let him visit the hospital. Unfortunately, he couldn't go with him so he just let one of his bodyguards escort him to the hospital.

The report said that the two men who attacked him seemed to be professional. Based on the CCTV they gathered in the building, they know where to go and how to avoid cameras on each floor. They also move like they know the place.

Louis was sent to ER and performed an immediate operation on him. The doctor said another minute of delay for the patient can put him in more danger, worse death.


Harry immediately rose when Louis started to move. There was still oxygen attached to his mouth. But he can already talk.

"Lou? Do you need anything? Just tell me I--"

He shook his head. "Nothing, I'm glad you're here, Harry. Thank you for coming.."

He burst into tears. "You scared me. Do you know who did this to you?"

He shook his head and averted his gaze. "No. I don't.. I don't know them."

He weeps while they are holding each other's hands. "I don't understand.. This is exactly what happened to my friend 3 days ago.."

"What did you say? Your friend was attacked too?"

"Yes, your situation is no different from him.."

"From who?"

"It was 2 men who attacked him but he doesn't know them either.."

Louis becomes silent for a minute and went into deep thought. "Lou are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, hey listen. I want you to be careful from now on and be more vigilant, okay?"

"Why? What are you talking about?"

"Just take my word and promise me."

Confused but he nodded.

He went back to the house around 6 pm. His face is still downcast. He can't hide it, he feels so sorry for his friends. Zayn is already at home, he hugged him immediately and cried on his shoulder.

"I don't want to see you like this, babe. He's going to be fine. Believe me, that guy is tough.

"I just don't get it. They were victims of the same attack."

"Hey how about this, let's have a dinner date outside tomorrow? We haven't had a real date yet." Zayn smiled as he run a hand through his hair. Trying his best to comfort him.

He gives him a weak smile. "Sounds good." Despite everything, he is still lucky to have a very sweet and understanding husband beside him. "Thank you for comforting me.."

The next day, Harry visited Louis again early morning

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The next day, Harry visited Louis again early morning. And in the evening they went to a private restaurant with Zayn and spend their dinner date until 9 pm. for the media to not detect them, zayn ordered no guests or media around the building. This is also to protect the identity of Harry.

When they went back home, Zayn got an email coming from Universal Studio regarding his movie for next year. He left Harry in the room and went to his office downstairs.

While Harry getting ready to go to bed, he notice Zayn's phone was ringing beside him. This is the 4th time that someone is calling him. He decided to check who it was. Then he saw the name of Mike. He answers it and informs him that Zayn is in the other room with an urgent meeting.

"Alright, I'll tell him when he comes back." Then he ends the call. And chuckle when he noticed his phone doesn't even have a lock. He finds it funny.

"Will that guy has 24/7 guards around him anyway. Anyone who's crazy to take his phone won't be able to see the sunrise in a second."

He's about to put the phone down when his eyes widen seeing the wallpaper in his phone. It was a stolen shot of him sleeping in the bed! He giggles.

"He secretly taking pictures of me? Why you. And he didn't even put a password in his phone!"

He explores his phone and checks if he got more pictures of him. But he groan in dismay when he found out he only got 2 pictures in his gallery. Even his contacts have only got 5 numbers saved in it.

"What kind of phone is this, It's almost empty."

He frowned when he saw a different folder that was not under his gallery. He clicks on it. It has photos and videos. He smiled.

" So he's trying to separate my picture. And he even got a video of me."

He opens it and what he saw almost puts him in a mental block. He can't stop staring at those pictures. The face of Niall and Louis in the video, their voice that begging for mercy of the hand of a man who smiled while doing ruthless things to them.

His trembling and his mind suddenly went empty of what he found out. Only one thing that keeps running in his head. If everything that happened to him this past week with Zayn was real. The sweetness, the love, passion that he showed him for weeks was even real. As he goes along and opens each file and the video, the tears keep running through his cheeks, he slowly feels frightened about the person he is with and feels panicked.

Everything was put into question now. He drops the phone and runs into the bathroom. He could no longer watch the videos. It's too much for him. There's nothing in there that he saw but pain, torture, and blood coming from the people he knew. He can't bear to watch it.

Everything in him wants to refuse what he saw. He doesn't want to admit that he was loving and sleeping with a Beast all along.

The only man that he loved, and respected a lot could do such a horrendous act.

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