Chapter 39

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Harry and Zayn's family are waiting for the doctor to come out in the room where they checking Zayn who just woke up from 2 days coma

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Harry and Zayn's family are waiting for the doctor to come out in the room where they checking Zayn who just woke up from 2 days coma. It's 2 am and everyone is so anxious to meet him. After 2 hours of agonizing, the doctor finally step out.

"So far we don't see any problems or complications, we actually see a sudden improvement which is good. His body is accepting the medicine, that's the important thing. We thought it will take more time to wake him up but.. Prayers really are powerful. You can see him now."

Everyone went inside to see Zayn, except him. He suddenly feels nervous to finally see Zayn. He is scared of what he might react to seeing him there. It took a minute before he took a deep breath and open the door. He slowly walks inside while clenching his jacket in his chest. Then he feel over the moon and was delighted to see him sitting on the bed and finally able to talk to everyone. He is standing at the corner of the room and he saw him smile when his sister said something funny. And that's where he realized how he misses him like that and sees him smile. His eyes can't stop staring at him. He wants to hug and kiss him. But he is too scared to move in his spot.

It didn't take long for Zayn's not to notice him. Their eyes meet and his smile slowly disappears. Everything just feels awkward when everyone turns their head towards him and waits for him to say something. The silence is so intense that he can almost hear crickets in the room. But he is so nervous in front of him that he got tongue-tied. Especially when Zayn's reaction slowly change. He took a deep breath and decided to just get out but Yaser broke the tension.

"You two need to talk. We'll leave you two so you can fix this problem once and for all." Everyone agreed. Tresha gives him a warm smile before she hugs him. "I'm hoping everything will go back the way it was, dear. We miss you."

"Thank you mom, I miss everyone too." Her words are soothing as always. He gives him another tight hug before everyone went out.

The silence and the awkwardness become worse when they are finally alone in the room. Zayn is still staring at him while he is still standing in the corner looking like he is in the courtroom, facing his final judgment from the magistrate.

"How long are you going to stand there?"

He slowly walks to his bed without saying a word and stops halfway. Giving a wide distance between them.


Now he is standing near his bed. He looks down as he can feel his heartbeat is getting stronger. He got a ton to say to him but he can't seem to make a word.

"This is what you want right? So how's your new life?"


He chuckles sarcastically. " How's your new life with Louis? Is it satisfying? Did he make you happy?"

He averted his gaze, he can't help but feel guilty. But what makes him disappointed is that their conversation will lead to another fight. "Why do you talk like that as if it's my fault?"

Because you want this, this is what you want, right? You want me out of your life so you can go to Louis! You're the one who ruins our marriage, not me!"

"You think I want this? I never wanted this to happen! I won't be doing this if you didn't hurt anyone!"

"Cut the bullshit, Harry. Your not good at that! You won't accept my apologies but you think I didn't know? That you are sleeping with him?!"

His eyes widened in disbelief. "I am not! I'm not like you! And why do you always talk like that to him? I didn't come here because of this, Zayn!"

"Because I'm not like him either! I could never be Louis! I can't make you laugh the way he makes you laugh, I can't make you smile the way he makes you smile. And if you think he's gentle and I'm not, then that's bullshit! Because being hurt by someone you love is the worse feeling ever!" He paused while catching his breath. He tries to calm down.

"Look, Harry.. I admit, okay. that I'm a person that hard to deal with.. But I'm also a person who will do everything just to make you happy. If I make a mistake, then correct me. If I said something bad then correct me, I admit my mistake but like I said I'll do everything for you. Just don't leave me and be with someone that I could never be.." Zayn paused while staring at his drenched face. He covered his face with his jacket and cries. There's a minute of silence before Zayn talk again but this time his voice is already delicate. "Tell me, babe, did he already took your heart? Do I still have space in there?" He sounded hurt.

 "Tell me, babe, did he already took your heart? Do I still have space in there?" He sounded hurt

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"What are you talking about, you already have it.."

Zayn slowly pulls him closer. He steals a quick glance at him as he tucks his hair behind his ear. Zayn leans up to lock his eyes.

"Am I allowed to ask for a second chance?" He grabbed his hands and kiss them. "I'm sorry for everything that I've done to your friend.. That time I feel so confused and scared that they might take you away from me. It was the first time that I feel like this to anyone. And seeing them with you just totally makes me furious."

Harry looked at him and remove his hand from his waist. "I also want to try this again not just for us but to the people who got involved by all of this, and that's your family especially your mom. I made a mistake too, but.." He paused and give him a hard look. "I don't want you hurting anyone again, Zayn. And I mean it. Hurting people just because of your frustration or anger is not an excuse. I know how it feels, trust me. And you doing that out of jealousy is so wrong. You need to stop that kind of behavior if you want to have a happy and peaceful life. And that's what we need if you want this marriage to work. I don't want to raise our child with you having that kind of attitude, it's not a good example--"

"Hold it right there.." Zayn suddenly interrupted him with wide eyes. "What.. What did you just say?"

He croaked his brow wondering if he said something. Then he gasp when he forgot to tell him that his actually pregnant!

He averted his eye. He's not sure if he's going to like it. "I forgot to tell you. I'm--" He gulped. "I'm 1 month pregnant, Zayn."

Jaw drop, he stiffens staring at him for a minute. Harry waited to let him digest what he said. But already laughing at his reaction. When he is finally able to gain his senses, Zayn pulls him and suddenly kissed him. "Why you didn't tell me?"

"Will.. I forgot I was still upset with you that time."

"Ohh babe, mom's going to freak out about this! This is remarkable!" He gives him another kiss. "

Then they call his family outside. Everyone gathers in the room. While Harry is standing beside Zayn. Everyone looks confused and nervous.

"What's this all about?" Yaser asked.

"Zayn has to tell you something.." He said. Smiling from ear to ear.

Zayn clears his throat. "Mom, dad. Harry is pregnant."


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