Chapter 2

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He still got 20 minutes, but Harry is running going to his first work that morning

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He still got 20 minutes, but Harry is running going to his first work that morning. He has always been early in his work, an hour before his shift. And now he only got 20 minutes, which is unusual. But he can't help it since his bicycle broke last night. He had no choice but to go on foot.

When he arrived, he immediately punched the card for his attendance and wore his uniform. And went to the kitchen to do his job. He works as a dishwasher at one of the restaurants in NYC. He's been in this job for a year now, and luckily people in the restaurant like him because of his hard work.

After his shift at the restaurant, he'll go straight to his second job, which is one of the famous nightclubs in NYC and he's one of the waiters there. He doesn't like the job and he's planning to apply for a different field.

A guy who always got molested is 10x humiliated than being caught cheating. And that's exactly what happened to him every single night. It's not even about humiliation anymore, but it's already about his self-respect and his manliness is been question.

"Hey, Harry are you really up for the job tomorrow?" Niall asked. One of the waiters in the shop.

Niall is one of his close friends who knows almost everything about him. And last week, he mentioned to him that he's looking for a part-time job for his day off, at least 4 hours. Last night he called him, telling him that his sister who works in an Online House Cleaning Services is looking for an extra person to replace one of the vacancies for the job. He grabbed it immediately.

He smiled at him. "Yeah, I'm ready for it. It's my day off in the club anyway." He explained.

"Okay, Good. I'll tell my sister about it. And she will be the one to explain it to you when you get there."

"Cool. Thanks again, Niall."

Niall just nodded and gave him a concerned look. "You've been working nonstop for this past few weeks, you should take it easy, Harry."

He chuckled. "I know, but I'm almost done paying it, Niall. I can't just go slacking off." And give him a wide smiled. Showing how excited he is. "At last, for 3 years, I can finally be free with all the payments! Once I'm done paying them, I'll go back to school." He said. Smiling from ear to ear. "I can't wait to go back to school."

Niall stared at him. "Until now, I still can't figure out how you do this all alone.." Niall smiled. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you." He smiles back and gives him a gentle punch in the arm. "A handsome, hardworking lad!"

He titters. "Shut up! And go back to your work."

After he's done with his work at the restaurant, he immediately change and went straight to his second job. The club where he's going to work next is just a few blocks away. It's already past 6 pm and they're about to be open at 7. He immediately went to his locker and change.

"Hey, hazz!" Joan called him in the locker. Also one of his closest friends.

"Zup Jo, how's it going?" He replies and smiles at her. She just came back from a long vacation.

"It's our day off tomorrow, we're planning to go to the beach and spent the night there. You should come with us!"

He took a deep breath and give him an apologetic smile. He can't count how many times they're trying to invite him for a gimmick and he always refuses their offer.

"I would love to Jo, but--" He gulps when he saw her face slowly change

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"I would love to Jo, but--" He gulps when he saw her face slowly change. "--I can't, I got a part-time job tomorrow and I need to be early--"

"Again?!" He exclaimed. "Harry, I know you needed the money and stuff--but you should at least give yourself time to have fun you know. And not just that--you have friends that need your time too but you never give them that!" She looked angry. But her voice is showing how disappointed she is.

"Jo, I promise, I'll make it up to you--" He walks towards her and attempt to touch her but she averted.

"You always say that for 2 years. You no longer have any time for us. This is not just about money and works Harry. You should at least think about the people who called you friend because we're already tired of your reasons!" She stood up and walk away leaving him standing there unable to say anything.

Every word she said is true. Since his sister Gemma died, everything changes rapidly. He was left alone. And back then, he was a college student. And was forced to drop from school since no one can support him. He decided to look for a job and plan on saving some money so he can continue his studies for that year. But that didn't happen, after a month since his sister died, he received a call from the company where she worked, telling him that his sister has a debt of almost half a million from them.

He can still remember that he tries to convince them and beg that he doesn't have any money and that he's just a student who is living alone and can barely support his own needs. But the amount that she took is too big that the company can't just dismiss. So what they did is to let him pay them bit by bit. They force him to accept it or else they will go to court. That was 3 years ago. And now just 2 more payments and he'll be free of the debts for good.

He let out a big sighed. He doesn't have a choice but to set aside some people in his life if he wants to achieve his goal.

He went back to his locker and put on his uniform and start to do his work.

And as usual, he's been molested again for 3 men that night. The last man who gropes him, could no longer hold it and punch him in the face. And of course, people who saw what happened, praise him for doing that. But the manager is not impressed by what he did. He was called into the office and was given a warning.

Joan was so furious when she found out. But none of them can do anything about it. This type of event has become his regular thing already. But he could never get used to it.

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